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Yes. A hypothesis describes what we expect to happen in an experiment. If we do the experiment and something different happens, then our hypothesis is "falsified", or demonstrated to be false.

In that case, we'll need to reconsider our hypothesis to determine how it was wrong. We can revise our hypothesis and then conduct a different experiment to test it.

It's easy to demonstrate that a hypothesis is incorrect, but it is impossible to prove that it is true.

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14y ago

Dude, a hypothesis can be disproven by the experiment you're working on.

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Can a hypothesis ever be disproved by a single experiment?

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A hypothesis is a testable problem that can be proved or disproved.

Are hypothesis ever incorrect in an experimentation?

Yes. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation of some observable event. An experiment is designed to test if the hypothesis is possibly correct. Broadly speaking, there are three possible results of an experiment.The results are inconclusive (for example, the experiment was not designed well or some unplanned event occurred).The hypothesis is disproved (the experiment showed that the hypothesis was not a good explanation).The hypothesis is shown to be possible (a hypothesis can never be proven correct because the results could be caused by some factor not considered in the experiment).

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It is impossible to prove a hypothesis. It can only be disproved.

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It is impossible to prove a hypothesis. It can only be disproved.

How can a science hypothesis be disproved?

By performing an experirment

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A hypothesis

What are the 3 pointers to remember when writing your experiment?

1 Write a good hypothesis that can be proved or disproved. 2 Get reliable results. 3 Don't "jump" to your conclusion.Prove or disprove the hypothesis (beyond reasonable doubt) and NOTHING ELSE.

What is tested in an experiment?

A hypothesis is tested by an experiment. A hypothesis is an estimate or guess about an outcome. The experiment proves whether the hypothesis is correct or not correct.

Is it sufficient to do a single experiment to test a hypothesis Why or why not?

Whether or not you write down an hypothesis, if you conduct an experiment, you naturally have a hypothesis since you are trying to find the answer to something and have some sort of expectations.