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Well,it is up to you rearly.A website is usually hosted on a domain which you have to pay for every year.But the advantage is that it is your own domain and owned by you and not by another company.If you are rearly seris about hosting your own site then a website is for you.But if you are just writing for fun and dont know if you still want to keep up with your hobby in months time or dont want to spend money.Then a blog is the best option as its free.But the disadvantage is that you are hosting on another companies domain and not all blog services have as many facilities to present your pages how you want them to look.

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Q: Should I create a blog or a website?
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Register to this hosting site and get all the help you need go.menjelajahi. com/ThuNVI

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Yes you can create Amharic Blog with out translating any programing language. If you installed Amharic typing software on your computer just type your blog articles in Amharic. it will publish as it is. 1. To create Amharic blog site for free use Use the following website to create your free Blog. See Related links 2. If you want to make your personal blog in your website, you need a web developer (if you are not a web developer what i meant) Happy blogging.....

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It used to be possible but now the blogs are impossible to be created on the MTV website.

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Most blog website (WordPress, Blogger, etc.) have a function that let you choose a site design. However, if you want a community that helps you create blog designs, they are not legions. Personnally, I know none, but there should be at least one on the net.

Are there any free ways to make a website?

There are many free ways to make a website. The best way I think should be Blogger and Wordpress. These two sites allow you to create blog sites and transform it to make it looks like a website.

What is the Best site builder?

It is impossible to be absolutely sure which website builder is the best. Everything depends on the tasks you have. If you want to create a blog you should definitely use Wordpress. But if you want to create a website - I would strongly recommend you uCoz. Truth be told, everyone will suggest you the stuff he/she is used to.

What kinds of blogs is there? offers you to create a blog you can blog about anything just think of a blog as a website that is not a store and u can post photos videos and much more the list of what kinds of blogs can go on forever

Can you create a 'private' WikiAnswers or wiki QA for your website or blog?

The Wiki software can be purchased and placed on a private intranet.

How can you create a website like facebook?

There are many ways to create a website! But first, you should start with something simple. For instance, you should try blogger or wordpress! They have a bunch of great ideas for a blog or website. They will tell you how to make a website and then, there you've made some progress. Then, a couple of days later you'll have a bunch of viewers on your site! After you get a good amount of viewers, you know that your blog or website is going good. So, take it a step ahead, go to a different organization and start another website. The more viewers and websites you have, the better of a chance you'll have to be able to make a website like facebook. But, FYI, to make a website like facebook, you'll have to pay money. So, start simple with a website for free like blogger. Then, you can earn money by advertisements on your blog and be able to start a REAL money website!