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if she has problems, try and come to an understanding with her, can you help her, if not , she may need professional counseling, is she working, is she lazy, we need more info.

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Q: Should I kick my 18 year old daughter out of the house?
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Can you kick your 17 year old daughter out of the house in Illinois without going to court?

Send her to live with family until she's 18

Is it legal for a parent ot kick their 18-year-old out of the house in North Carolina?

Yes. at the age of 18 the son/daughter is held liable for themself

What are the Parental rights over 18 year old daughter?

They have the right to kick them out of the house and stop supporting them. They are an adult and must live with the consequences of their actions.

When you kick your eighteen year old out of the house will you be in trouble with the law?


Can you kick out your 18 year daughter who is still in high school in the state of pa?

you'll be arrested

Is it legal in nova scotia to kick your 17 year old out of your house?

No it is not legal to kick them out of your house. Until they reach the age of adulthood, 18, they are your responsibility under the law.

Can you kick your 18-year-old high school senior out in North Carolina?

You should be ABLE to kick them out, but you shouldn't kick them out.

Is it legal to kick out your 16-year-old daughter out of the house?

It is generally not legal to kick out a 16-year-old child from the house as parents have a legal responsibility to provide care and support until the child reaches the age of majority. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as danger or abuse, it is advisable to seek help from child protective services or legal counsel.

Can you legally kick your 15-year-old child out of the house in Massachusetts?

no Of course not.

Can parents kick a 20 year old out of the house in Texas?

Simple answer yes.

Can they kick out a 17 year old out of the house because she is pregnant?

hahahaha you are pregnant hahaha

Can parents kick out 21 year old daughter in Illinois?

The parents could have kicked their daughter out at age 18. At 21 she is a young woman and should not even be living at home unless she is going to college and cannot afford a place of her own. Otherwise she should be out on her own and experiencing independence and have her own place to live.