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I'm 22 yo w. 2 years ago I had a crush on this guy at uni, we would sit next to each other in lectures and talk, he would literally run after to me to walk with me a bit on my way home but we never met up outside of uni nor texted. He was quite friendly towards everyone so I never knew if he was serious or not, though I didn't see him flirting with any other girl. But after the first year of uni he had a gf and he woudn't even look at me when he was with her and talk to me only when we were alone. I had already accepted this since my feelings were only strong during the first half of that first year. I moved on and had a bf myself but I would still miss our conversations. Two years have passed since my crush but lately I have been thinking of him more and more and seeing him in my dreams. I don't know if it is because I've been feeling a bit unloved by my bf, he is stressed about writing his bachelor thesis, atm and I don't have that many friends or I'm looking for an escape from my studies that are not motivating me or that I've somehow took this ex' positive aspects and turned him into a symbol of the ideal lover in my head. I'm not sure I want him romantically but I know for sure that I'd like to him back as a friend. I have only seen him twice these past months and we talked just as energetically as before but only while passing. I don't know if and how I should contact him again. Don't even know how to start a text message. Help! What do you guys think??

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