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Yes, he did various things during the revolution. Even though Longfellow's poem named a poem after him as having warned that the British was coming he didn't do it. He met a British patrol and had his horse taken away. He did draw the handbills about the Boston massacre showing British soldiers firing at colonial people. His art for this was more Propaganda than reality. He did take part in the Boston Tea Party and was a patriot leader, but his significance rests more as a craftsman and on his industrial perspicacity. He had a foundry and hardware business and had the first successful sheet copper mill. These were important because the navy could have copper bottoms on the ships.

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Q: Should Paul revere be remembered in American history?
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Should Paul Revere be honored?

PAUL REVERE should be honored because he made a big difference in american history

Why was Paul Revere remembered?

i donot now

What will Paul Revere be remembered for?

Paul will be remembered for being a good silversmith, but a not so good coin maker. He also rode a horse one night warning American colonists about an impending attack by British forces.

What did Paul Revere do to warn the colonst and how important was it in American history?

Paul Revere rode a horse around saying the British are coming the British are coming, and it was an important part of American history because warning the people helped us get ready for when they came by sea.

What is Paul Revere still remembered for today?

for warning the U.S. that the British were coming

Was Paul Revere an American?

Answer: Paul Revere's existence has not been confirmed. Nonetheless, he was an American.

What did Paul Revere do for fun?

Paul Revere was an American Silversmith and a Patriot in the American Revolution.

Was Paul Revere an American soldier?

yes Paul Revere was an American soldier go Paul

Who is Paul Revere and Samuel Adams?

Paul Revere was an American silersmith

Who is Paul revere-?

Paul Revere was an American patriot. He was also an engraver and silversmith.

Who is Paul Revere?

Paul Revere was an American patriot. He was also an engraver and silversmith.

What did Paul Revere want to be remebered?

He wanted to be remembered for his versitility- he was a silversmith, craftsman, and even tryed dentistry.