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Q: Should Terminally ill humans deserve euthanasia like animals?
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Should doctors euthanasia for terminally ill patients?

Euthanasia is only done if the patient wants to after they have been evaluated to be of sane mind. So yes, if that fits.

Should euthanasia be legalized for the terminally ill?

Many people think so, but clearly there are many opponents as well.

Is animal euthanasia good?

No. Animal euthanasia is not good and is wrong. Here are some reasons why: Animal euthanasia is not natural. Animal euthanasia discourages vets to find new cures. Animals should be cared for until they die naturally. Animal euthanasia discourages vets to actually care for the animals. We shouldn't TAKE the life of an animal. Think about this: if you were to euthanize a suffering animal (due to the cost of a cure for example) did you really love it? Because if you did, would you kill it or care for it? And you never know, your care could result in a healthy, loving pet.

Should doctors be allowed to help the terminally ill die?

you mean to help them end their lives? not in the US at the moment.Answer:The provision of the option of euthanasia for terminally ill patients is a reasonable option for both the patient and the doctor. Carefully crafted checks and balances to prevent coercion are required, but in many cases it is the only option that provides a death with dignity.

Euthanasia should be legalized in Taiwan?

Active euthanasia should not be legalized anywhere, however physician assisted suicide should be

Should poaching animals for their fur be illegal?

It actually should be illegal because when you are killing animals that you didn't create and GOD did, you're disobeying GOD and basically saying animals don't deserve to live

Why should animal euthanasia be illegal and why should those animals have a natural death with painkillers and medicine so that there is no suffering?

Many people believe that killing animals is wrong because just as people do,animals have a right to a long healthy life.Though there are not painkillers for every disease,there are cures for many of the things that animals are put to sleep for.If euthanasia were illegal these would be used fereqently.When the time comes for the animal to die naturally,he should die knowing he had one last day on earth with the people he loved and loved him.

Is it illegal to change the beneficiary on the life insurance policy of a terminally ill person?

If terminally ill person approves change it is legal If terminally ill person disapproves change it is illegal If terminally ill person is not able to approve or disapprove it should not be changed

Why should you choose to show love to animals in their youngs?

You should choose to show love to animals and their young because all animals need nurturing and deserve to feel loved. If one shows an animal love, they will likely act in a positive manner.

Should people be forced to stay alive if terminally ill?

No. it is their life, they should have the right to do as they please with it.

Why should you show kindness to animals and their young?

Animals should be shown kindness, because they are most likely innocent and do not deserve anger or meanness. Being kind to animals is also a good way to be a role model for kids.

Human's deserve euthanasia just like animal's?

In the past, particularly in English and United States history, people with developmental, mental, intellectual and physical disabilities or illnesses were subject to euthanasia. Personally, I do not think any living thing should be subject to such treatment, but yes it happens if that is the question. Humans were restricted from reproduction since the government feared that their "diseases" would spread. Many babies are aborted each year because the parents find out the baby has a disability or illness, if one would consider that euthanasia. But in effort to help control animal population, I suppose controlling reproduction like spaying or neutering is appropriate as there are many stray animals with no homes.