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Yes! That's how I plan to raise my son. I'm sick of prejudices.

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Q: Should a parent teach their children that everyone is equal in life and all should be treated the same way?
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they should by no junk food and keep them energized

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Children live with their parent or parents. Your parent has the final say.

When should parent start making their children brush and floss?

Parents should play a game with their children (children love to immulate their parents) by letting them floss when they have their first teeth in (the parent should watch so the child doesn't cut their gums) even when some front teeth are falling out.

The effects of children splitting between parent?

There is not really an effect, my parents split when i was young and i am living between them and even though my mum and dad are not together there is really no diferenc except you get spoilt by one parent and treated like a child and you get treated like and adult with the other parent oh and you get 2 bedrooms and 2 sets of presents for birthdays and christmas.

If a mother has custody of the children but does not live with them what can a non custodial parent who wants the children do?

The non-custodial parent can go to court and request custody of the children. A judge will decide which parent should be awarded custody of the children. The circumstances under which the children are currently living, combined with the reason(s) they are not living with you will be a big factor in whether or not you get to keep custody of the children.