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Q: Should a turkey be thawed at room temperature?
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Is 36 hours too long to thaw a turkey at room temperature?

Yes. Turkey should not be thawed at room temperature. Please see Related Questions.

Should your turkey be at room temp before you cook it?

Not necessarily at room temperature, but it shouldn't be frozen. It should be pretty much thawed out.

Is thawing chicken at room temperature acceptable?

Frozen chicken should be thawed in the refrigerator. Thawing chicken at room temperature can promote the growth of harmful bacteria.

Can you use frozen vegetables that have thawed?

Provided they haven't been sitting around at room temperature for awhile you should be fine.

Can thawed strawberries go bad if left out all night?

I think you should be fine as long as it was just overnight in room temperature.

How long to defrost a kg turkey crown?

A 3.5 kg turkey should be cooked four 2.75 hours if unstuffed. If the turkey is stuffed, it should be cooked for 3 hours.

How long can thawed venison stay in the refrigerator?

How long it will last will depend upon how good it was when frozen and how it was thawed. If it was thawed at room temperature, it should be cooked immediately. If it wasn't fresh when frozen, it should be cooked immediately. If it was very fresh when frozen and was thawed in the fridge, then you should have at least a couple days to cook it.

Can you refreeze chicken thats been thawed in water?

It isn't generally safe to refreeze raw food. This is especially true for chicken, which is contaminated with salmonella at scary-high rates. If the chicken has thawed, it isn't generally safe to refreeze it and eat it later. This is especially true if it is thawed in room-temperature water rather than being thawed in the refrigerator. Once thawed, the chicken should be cooked fairly quickly. Once cooked, it can then be frozen for later consumption.

Can a turkey be thawed at room temperature for 20 hours?

NO!!!! You can get salmonella defrost in the fridge it will take 24 to 36 hours but you won't poison your guests. If you need to thaw it quick put it in your sink and run cold water continually over it.this method will take 3 to 4 hours

What is one way food should never be thawed?

The answer would vary with the type of food. For bread, for instance, the microwave is the worst; it gets all soggy. Many other foods, however, would be fine thawed by microwave. Potentially hazardous foods, like meat and seafood, should not be left on the counter to thaw.

How long to let a turkey stand at room temperature before injecting?

You do not want your turkey at room temp

You left your steak thawed out at room temp for 5 hours should you discard it?

It should be fine to be cooked if it is the first time it is thawed. Don't freeze the steak again.