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Q: Should big dogs and cats be allowed in apartments?
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Are pets allowed at serviced apartments?

Pets may or may not be allowed at serviced apartments. Depending on an apartments regulations on whether it allows pets is up to that apartment on what they allow. However usually if a serviced apartment allows pets the pets usually consist of animals on the smaller side such as small dogs and cats.

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Can you have pets in your apartments in the Sims 2 apartment life?

Yes, you can have cats and dogs aswell as witches/warlocks familliars (spectral cats)

Is it true about gay men and gerbils?

Gay men usually prefer as larger pets, such as dogs or cats. Some gay men live in apartments where pets are not allowed, but even in these cases, they can get a fish tank.

Does IKEA let dogs in the store?

Small dogs and cats are allowed only when they are in a carry bag.

What should be capitalized in dogs are better than cats?

None.Example: The dogs are better than cats.

What has hands but no fingers?

dogs and cats and animals

How many dogs allowed in Greenwich CT residence?

The number of dogs that are allowed at a residence in the city of Greenwood, CT will depend on where a person is living. There are some apartments and home that do not allow dogs, while others permit a certain number or size of dog.

How long arw dogs and cats supposed to mate?

Dogs and cats should mate for about three to five minutes.

Are pets allowed to eat pork?

it all depends on the animals but cats and dogs are okay with it i feed it to my dogs all the time

What job should you have if you like dogs and cats?

you should be a vet

Should cats and dogs be banned from pet stores?
