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yes you should go to a docter i might be your taste buds

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Q: Should i go to the doctors i have some red bumps at the back of my tongue but they dont hurt it just tickles my throat from time to time so does anyone have a clue what they could be?
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Related questions

What does it mean to have a tickle in the throat and cough?

I have that just now it's extremely annoying! My throat tickles when I breathe in and it makes me cough. It could just be a cold or something more serious like throat cancer.

My ear itch and i feel a sharp pain in my throat?

This could just be the coming of a cold or throat infection. Whenever i am getting a throat infection or just a general sore throat my ears itch as well as my throat hurting. If this continues you should go to the doctors as it could be something worse.

Why do doctors poke a stick at your toungue?

They do that to check your throat for inflammation. That is the enlarging of the throat walls.

What should you do if you have a red rash inside your throat a slight fever and a runny nose?

Call your doctors office and schedule an appointment.

What is otolaryngolg?

Otolaryngology is the study of conditions affecting the ear, nose, and throat. These doctors are almost never referred to by this name by non-physicians, pretty well solidified as ENT doctors, or ear-nose-and-throat doctors.

Where does strep throat attack?

strep throat is most likely going to be in the mouth and on your throat.

How much do ear nose and throat doctors make?

Ear, nose, and throat doctors average yearly pay once employed is between 180,000-230,000 dollars anually in the United States. Ear, nose, and throat doctors average yearly pay once employed is between 180,000-230,000 dollars anually in the United States.

Where can you find more information about step throat symptoms?

You can find more information about strep throat symptoms at the library, on the internet, and at your doctors office. Most doctors office have pamphlets right in the lobby that cover the basics. A couple of symptoms of strep throat are sudden throat pain, discomfort when swallowing,and you or your child are not experiencing cold symptoms.

Why don't doctors give antibiotics for mild throat infections?

antibiotics can be powerful.

What is a Otolaryngologist Physician?

They are also called ENT's or ear,nose and throat doctors.

What are the symptoms of a fever chills and a sore throat?

The above are symptoms. They could indicate anything from a mild cold to a terminal illness. This is why you should always seek a doctors opinion.

Is it against the law to threaten to cut your brother in laws throat?

It is against the law to threaten to cut anyone's throat.