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Indeed they should.

No way. School is for education.

The above is true because kids are going to be texting messages while in class and not paying attention to their teacher.
yes they shoul;d

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Q: Should kids at school be allowed to bring cell phones to school?
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The teachers can be trusted.

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Why should kids have cell phones in school?

I think because lets say the chid is new in high school and lives far and needs to comunnicatie with the parent to just tell them that are safe so thats why i think they should bring they phones to school

Mobile phones should be allowed at school?

Kids should be able to bring cell phones to school as long as these phones are used in a way that does not disrupt classes. You should not be on the phone while your teacher is delivering a lesson. Even the sound of a ringing phone is disruptive. (Ringing, or whatever other sound it makes to signal an incoming call.) But if you can use your phone when you are not in class, that is perfectly reasonable.

Why should people NOT use their phones in class?

Because then it would distract them 1st from doing their work, and 2nd, if your school's like mine, get the phone taken away because you weren't allowed to bring it to class in the first place

Should mobil phones be allowed to be used in schools?

They should be able to bring them to school but not the class room just be able to leave them in their lockers A kid doesn't need to be making calls or texting during class if it's an emergency people should know the schools number they will be informed

Should cell be aloud out at school for emergency?

Well the proper response is that actually that is not a fact question, it is a question to be more likely answered by opinion. but yes my opinion would be to let phones in school. But the kids in my school already bring phones to school so, to my school it does not matter

Cell phones should be allowed in school?

I Think Cellphones Should not be allowed in school because I personally believe that cell phones are distractions in schools and people just bring them to school to show it off and be cool;thus, the only excuse people seem to come up with is they can call somebody in case of an emergency- that's the reason for office phones

Why should phones be alllowed in school?

Because - you're in school to LEARN - not play with your phone !... If your parents need to contact you in school time, they can phone the school to get a message to you. If the school needs to contact your parents - they will have a list of numbers where your parents can be reached.