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It depends on which cartoon.

Some Cartoons, like many Disney movies, have many wholesome messages and are entertaining (minus the alleged subliminal messages). If you don't believe in the subliminal messages, then kids should watch these cartoons.

Some cartoons are for pure entertainment, like Spongebob. Toddlers should not be allowed to watch these for too long, but older kids (like 7+) can watch in moderation.

Some are very violent, obscene and graphic, like many seinen animes. Kids should not be anywhere near these.

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Family Guy, American Dad and cartoons with sexual content, swearing and violence.

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Q: Should kids not watch cartoons
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Are adults too old to watch kids cartoons?

no if they have children that watch that kind of cartoons then no. not at all if they think of of the memerioes then no. but no today cartoons are awful i don't think the kids would not know what cartoons use to be.

Is it wrong and strange for middle aged adults to watch cartoons?

It depends if your watching it with your kids,that's even if you have kids.So put it this way,u can watch adult swim,its a channel that never gets old and basically says hey your 18 and older then watch some over rated cartoons.But you can watch some cartoons with your grand kids or just acth alone don't be embarressed.I'm 13 and i still watch spongbob.But don't watch to much cartoons or that will be a little weird.

Why are 20 year old men considered childish if they watch cartoons all the time?

I watch cartoons non stop and i'm 21 =] People associate cartoons with kids but stop and watch some of them and you realise only the graphics and sounds are aimed toward children where as the content is most deffinately not for kids. Seriously, watch some episodes of Spongebob and I guarantee you you'll be like, " can't understand some of this..." - Whatever - Peace

Is Oh Yeah Cartoons not just for kids?

The Nickelodeon show Oh Yeah! Cartoons is appropriate for all ages. Oh Yeah Cartoons is a family show. Oh Yeah Cartoons is for everyone regardless of age. If you like Oh Yeah Cartoons, and if you're an adult you can still watch Oh Yeah! Cartoons.

Is it a fact or an opinion that an 18 year old watching only cartoons is the worst thing to do?

of cores not i am only 12 and i mostly watch cartoons but you should try to watch other stuff but no it is your choice but i do recommend you watch other stuff other than cartoons but you still can watch cartoons.

Related questions

Why do people assume you act like a kid if you watch cartoons as an adult?

because mainly kids wach cartoons and bacause kids watch cartoons adults are more likely to act like kids

Why does a girl think that since you watch cartoons you are acting like a kid and you should man up?

because cartoons are not what an adult should watch unless he has kids. ___ On the contrary, many adults watch cartoons, and it is okay. That girl obviously doesn't like cartoons, but that doesn't mean no girls like them, or that they are any worse to watch than some of the "adult" shows that can be stupid too. There is no rule in adulthood that says you can't watch cartoons. I am an adult, and there are some cartoons that I enjoy watching.

Why do so many little kids watch only cartoons?

It's a diversion, and sometimes parents are not as engaged as they should be.

Why is it that 3 year old kids watch only cartoons?

Cartoons are funny to them,and to some adults

Why do teenagers and adults barely watch cartoons everyday?

because the cartoons are meant for little kids or children.

Are men over 18 too old to watch kids cartoons?

Yes ,they should start whaching adult shows.

How many kids watch cartoons on tv everyday?

That number is incalculable.

Why do most little kids tend to watch only cartoons and not other kids shows?

Cartoons are often used to present a simplified version of reality, which is easier for little kids to understand.

Why should you watch cartoons n?

its nice

Why do adults watch cartoons with their kids and not by themselves?

They want to spend time with there children.

What are 3 favorite cartoons kids watch?

Spongebob Dora sesame street

Why do people get the idea that only children watch cartoons?

because older people are jelous and have no time to watch carttons with their children, and think that children watch cartoons because have a lot of time and to keep them quiet and not doing anything...but some adults think that cartoons are stupid, and only kids watch them because kids are not that "smart"as adults, but i disagree with that because not all of the cartoons are stupid..and besides, everyone watches cartoons,nomater what age the person is..if you ask someone "do you watch cartoons" and they make a face like "what the heck?" and answer you"no,i don't whacth cartoons" because they try to be mature - trust me, they lie...everyone watches cartoons and everyone likes them as well...