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I watch Cartoons non stop and i'm 21 =] People associate cartoons with kids but stop and watch some of them and you realise only the graphics and sounds are aimed toward children where as the content is most deffinately not for kids. Seriously, watch some episodes of Spongebob and I guarantee you you'll be like, " can't understand some of this..." - Whatever - Peace

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No, your interests do not have to reflect your level of maturity.

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Q: Why are 20 year old men considered childish if they watch cartoons all the time?
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When will adults realize that watching only cartoons does not make you childish?

Cartoons are fun to watch, but not all the time, a person can only get ahead in this world by using the brain and study and read and learn!!

Why does your best friend who is a girl think you should man up since you watch cartoons all the time?

Because she sees it as something childish that only immature little kids watch but I think there is nothing wrong with a guy watching cartoons as long as they don't exaggerate.

How does watching cartoons all the time as an adult relate to acting like a kid?

Because they're cartoons and they have silly and childish characters/ jokes .

Is it weird if any university students watch ONLY cartoons?

it is not weird just silly and stupid and a waste of time, cartoons are fun to watch but not JUST cartoons!!!

Why do people assume that adults never watch cartoons all the time and only adult shows?

because adults are older now they might still watch cartoons from time to time

What is wrong with watching cartoons all the time?

If you watch cartoons too much, you will eventually evolve into a cartoon.

Why do women find it immature that guys enjoy watching cartoons?

Im 20 and I dont find it annoying to watch cartoons. I actually watch cartoons all the time! But then again i might be immature myself!

Why does your best friend who is a girl expect you to man up since you watch cartoons all the time?

If she can't respect your decision to watch cartoons all the time, then she's not being a good friend

Why do people get the idea that only children watch cartoons?

because older people are jelous and have no time to watch carttons with their children, and think that children watch cartoons because have a lot of time and to keep them quiet and not doing anything...but some adults think that cartoons are stupid, and only kids watch them because kids are not that "smart"as adults, but i disagree with that because not all of the cartoons are stupid..and besides, everyone watches cartoons,nomater what age the person is..if you ask someone "do you watch cartoons" and they make a face like "what the heck?" and answer you"no,i don't whacth cartoons" because they try to be mature - trust me, they lie...everyone watches cartoons and everyone likes them as well...

Why do people assume that a 20 year old man is childish if he watches cartoons on a daily basis?

Because it is a reasonable assumption. Most people have grown out of cartoons by the age of 20. They may watch them occasionally but to do so on a daily basis shows a lack of maturity.depends but not all the time my mom she watches family guy and she is 50 lol

What is so bad about adults watching cartoons all the time?

Typically, cartoons are thought to be for children, and if they are watching cartoons for long periods of time, they could be considered fat slobs.

What are the differences between people who watch cartoons and people who don't watch them?

There was a time when we might have said that cartoons are for children, but in recent decades we have had a number of very successful adult oriented cartoons, of which "The Simpsons" is the best known and longest running. Practically anyone can find some cartoon that is to their taste. However, some people are too busy to watch cartoons, or too impoverished to own a television, or are otherwise incapacitated. People in a coma do not watch cartoons.