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I think they should both be legal but carry the same rules and consequences. Not driving while drunk or high. I am diabetic now and can't really drink so it would be nice to light one up legally once in a while.

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Q: Should marijuana stay illegal and alcohol stay legal?
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Should marijuana be legal or illegal in the US?


You recently just used marijuana for the first time last week and it got you thinking why marijuana is illegal?

It should be legal I mean its safer than alcohol and ciggarets by far.

Why should marijuana be illegal?

The question shouldn't be why should it be illegal, but should by why is it not legal?! Marijuana is safer than alcohol and caffeine! But to this day is still illegal. It has even been proven in scientific studies to be helpful to people with illness. It should not be illegal. If only the government would legalize it and tax it like they do cigarettes, the national debt would be minimized tremendously in a matter of 10 to 20 years. You should check out the AlterNet link listed below this answer for the top ten reasons why marijuana should be legal.

Is marijuana illegal or legal?

illegal if you get caught legal if you dont get caught

Is marijuana legal in Lithuania?

Industrial marijuana is legal. Marijuana, that can be used for intoxication purposes, is illegal.

Should alcohol be legal or illegal?

Well, marijuana can be a controlled substance, although it does have the same affects of alcohol. Yes marijuana can be addictive, and people who are, are called "potheads". But our government legalizes alcohol, and that can be addictive, that's why in America we have people called "alcoholics". If they are going to make marijuana illegal, they might as well just make ALL drugs illegal. Because if you think about it... alcohol is a drug.

What is the most community use illegal drug today?

Most used illegal drug is Cannabis. (Hash, pot, weed, marijuana,...). Most used legal drug is alcohol. (and in some countries alcohol is illegal). Most casualties are caused by alcohol, followed by tobacco.

Should marijuana be illegal and should alcohol be legal and what are the affects of marijuana compared to alcohol?

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Is it legal to grow marijuana in Scotland?

No.. it is illegal.

What is the different between marijuana and alcohol?

Doesn't matter stay away from both unless you wanna end up in prison. There are several differences between marijuana and alcohol. Marijuana is usually smoked, and alcohol is consumed by drinking it. (It is also possible to drink marijuana if you brew it into a tea, but that is not the most common method.) Marijuana is illegal (and even though some states have legalized it, the US federal government has not legalized it) and alcohol is legal, except in Muslim countries where it is prohibited. Smoking marijuana is dangerous to your lungs, and drinking alcohol is dangerous to your liver.

Is it legal to smoke pot on 420?

No. Where Marijuana is illegal, it is illegal 365 days of the year.

Do you thing marijuana should be classed as a drug?

Marijuana, or more specifically; THC, is a drug alike caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and heroin. The reason most people have this indication that drugs are bad is because of the legal system and how they classify them. When a substance is illegal, it symbolically means that that substance is dangerous and you should not use it. However, several illegal drugs are less harmful than the legal ones and this sends out a mixed message that somewhere down the line makes people believe that the safe illegal ones are more dangerous than the harmful legal ones. So yes, marijuana is a drug, we just have a screwed up definition of the word.