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I'm not a vet but i can tell that your cat is just getting old but maybe a checkup wouldn't hurt.

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Q: Should my Cat who is 17 years old have this kind of behavior all he does is sleep and now has taken to going to the bathroom on our beds doing 1 and 2?
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How often should you be Going to the bathroom?

You should go to the bathroom about three times a day (if you are doing number one.) If youare doing number 2 than you should at least go once.

Should people go change without going to the bathroom?

If they are changing their clothings, no they should not be doing that without going to the bathroom. If people want to change the clothes, they must always go to the bathroom. It is very innapropriate to show nasty stuff and many people don't like it.

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Should I go poopy or hold it in?

It depends on what you are doing, but if you're not doing something that forces you to be in one spot for a while, I'd advise going to the bathroom. It is not healthy to hold it in.

What is trained behavior?

Trained behavior is behavior that you train into your dog. Examples are sitting and waiting for their food instead of running to it as soon as you put it on the floor. Another trained behacior is a dof sitting and whining at the back door to go out and use the bathroom instead of going to the bathroom in the house.

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What should you do if you catch your dog toileting inside?

Say not sternly to scare to the dog into stopping going to the bathroom. Pick the dog up (if possible, other wise grab the collar) and put the dog outside. Leave the dog out there for a while, to show him that is where he should be going to the bathroom.

Is going to the bathroom unheathy?

Going to the bathroom is a necessary body function. In that respect, going to the bathroom is healthy. It can become unhealthy if you do not use healthy practices, like washing your hands after eliminating.

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To say 'He is going to the bathroom' you would say 'Va al baño.'

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going to bed late

Today at Costco who has a nice ass you were planning on following her into the bathroom to watch her do what she was going to do but im afraid of getting caught how should you do it?

Quite simply, you should not do it.