

Should people become vegetarians to save the rainforest?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It would help. To save the rainforest however, we need political and economic changes, plus mass grassroots support to change the forces that cause deforestation.

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Q: Should people become vegetarians to save the rainforest?
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What you eat has nothing to do with what profession you become. If you meant vegetarian, yes, you can change your eating habits anytime you choose. Most people are not raised as vegetarians unless their parents are vegetarians.

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It Probably works both ways. But many people feel that they need to justify their own eating preferences to people that feel they should not cause harm as a result of what they eat. When people don't have a good argument they tend to become belligerent.

What are a vegetarians needs?

Vegetarians need the same things that other people need.