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The Bible teaches that we need to forgive in order to be forgiven by God. If he can find it in his heart to forgive so should we for we are to be like him.

But.....don't be gullible to fall for it again. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Meaning that don't be taken in again or decieved again.

I can also be prayed for for there is always a spiritual warfare going on and who knows, maybe praying over that person and over (whether you believe it or not...demons and angels are in warfare over us...and demons can have pray over that as well to break their influence and believe in that prayer )

If it's spiritual....not meaning demon possession by no means, just oppression (for example...someone who nags you all the time and you tend to respond to them in a good way by standing up to them or in a negative way by letting them get to you and allowing yourself to be influenced by them.)

Pray. It will be the best answer.

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What is Jesus' position on forgiveness?

Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Should you forgive people for hurting you?

Some things are more forgivable than others. In general, you will get along with people better and you will be more cheerful if you forgive people when possible. There are some things that are too serious to forgive, but even then, it is healthier to avoid dwelling on anger and resentment. So, there could be people whom you should avoid, who have proven that they are not good for you to associate with. But you should be able to avoid them and get on with your life, rather than being obsessed with the harm that these people did to you.

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forgive. (although i must say this is easier said than done.) Also, they say forgive & forget, but seriously, although you can forgive, who will really forget? dont bother wasting time on people who dont waste time on you

Do Muslims have any enemys?

depends on the person but in islam we believe that we should forgive people and not hold grudges

Should you forgive the Nazis for what they did?

Any forgiveness the Nazis would seek would be from the people that they wronged, not from people reading about it seventy years later.

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It was just a kiss...get over it and forgive him...

Do you consider the people that you hurt feelings when they hurt us first?

You should always try and forgive and be the bigger person:)

Are you able to be forgive people who are cruel to you?

Yes, It's not always easy, but remember God loves them no matter what, and we should to.

Why people forgive?

It is important to forgive so we don't get bitter, some people deserve forgiveness they wasn't meaning harm, and its also good to forgive it doesn't mean we have to forget.

Can you forgive Adolph Hitler?

HELL NO.... he killed millions of people, you cant forgive someone who did that

What if your best friend breaks your heart and now she is sorry?

You should forgive her. She was probably feeling unconfident and sad the day she hurt you And desperately wants you back. If she does it again, however, than you should question your relationship with her. Amen Definetly forgive her! People make mistakes!