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no because pesticides can also kill some crops, they are also harmful to the human body

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Q: Should pesticides be used to produce more food?
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Why do animals at the end of a food web have more pesticides?

Pesticides are cumulative, so the animals at the end of the food web have more of them.

Should chemical pesticides be banned?

Chemical pesticides harm the ecosystem, the environment, and could be harmful to humans; however, without them, we would not be able to produce enough food for the current population. The best alternative is to put more energy into finding natural pesticides (such as garlic oil) which don't harm the environment, but keep insects from ruining the crops, and to make those natural pesticides available before banning chemical pesticides.

Should pesticides be used to help produce more food for humans at the expense of other animals?

Pesticides effect food webs because when there on a plant a plant eater will eat it and when the predator of the pray eats the plant eater it then will have a chance of dying because of the pesticides inside its prey. Then something Will eat the animal wit the pesticides in it then will affect hat animal. and so on! for example;A Rabbit could eat a lettuce and their could be pesticides in it the a fox will eat the rabbit and the has a chance of dying etc I hope this has helped ;)

What is biomagnification of pesticides?

Biomagnification of pesticides basically means that the concentration of the substance exceeds what it should be. This makes the pesticide more powerful and harmful.

Easy points of avdvantages and disadvantages of pesticides?

pesticides poison pests, but they can also poison other living organisms, or those who eat poisoned organism etc. also, farmers who don't use pesticides can sell their produce for more money as it is organic.

Where can I find more information on organic produce?

Organic food is food that is grown or produced without the use of chemicals such as antibiotics or pesticides. I think that the ebst way to determine if organic is the right choice; you need to find a local prodcuer of organic food, speak with them about their process and find out the cost of their products.

Why are pesticides harmful to birds at or near the top of the food chain?

b/c animals in which the birds are eating are being affected by the pesticides which kills them. If the animals at the lower part of the food chain start to grow extinct then there will be no more food for the animals at the top of the food chains which means they will more than likely die off or become extinct

Why is pesticides good?

Pesticides can cause some problems if people consume too many of them, but they can also be a good thing. The use of pesticides has made a lot more food available for people by getting rid of many of the insects that used to destroy the crops.

Do large leaves or small leaves produce more food for a plant?

Large Leaves will produce more food for the plant because it can absorb more sunlight which during photosynthesis the plant creates food

How is organic food more natural?

Organic food is more natural because it is grown without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and is not GMO. If it is processed, it does not contain additives and preservatives that may be harmful to health.

Instead of using pesticides what do farmers use?

Although organic farmers do in fact typically use some pesticides, they are greatly limited in what kinds of pesticides they are allowed to use. They therefore have to typically use lots of hand labor in the production of their crops. This is one reason why organic produce, for example, tends to be a little more costly than its counterpart.

Why did India wanted to produce more food?
