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Q: Should potato be peeled when too much salt is added to food?
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We don't only taste with our taste buds, we "eat with our eyes". When food or drinks look good our perception is, they will also taste good. Try this party trick: blindfold someone and hold their nose, so they can not smell anything. Give them a peeled potato and a peeled apple. Tell them to "take a bite of each apple". Most people will not know that they bit a potato until they see it.

What to do when you add too much salt?

i made a pie filling too salty once and added 1/2 teasppon of sugar. it tasted really nice once it was ready to eat, but cant guarantee that the sugar thing worked!

Where potato store their food?

A potato stores its "food"mostly as starch in a tuber.

How is the potato used for food?

The potato is used for food like soup and other stuff.

Is potato your favorite color of the alphabet?

Potato is not a color, it's a food.

Does cassava store food in their leaves or Irish potato?

no, cassava stores food in the roots while irish potato stores food in the stem

Can I use a food mill in place of a potato ricer?

I see no reason why not. Granted, the question has never come up before, but it should work. It will certainly be easier on the cook to turn the handle on a food mill than it is to squeeze the handles on a potato ricer.

How long has the potato used as food?

the potato is one of the oldest domesticated foods

What is the Spanish food made of potato balls with meat inside?

potato ball

Can dogs eat salt?

If a dog happens to get a little salt because company slipped him a potato chip or he gobbled up prepared food that you dropped on the floor, it won't hurt them. However, it should not be added to their daily diet.

Why should water added to food should not through away?

Because in presens of water the food is not dry so, the food is smell so much and a element of illness.

For salt extraction from a cooked receipe stews greens can you use a sweet potato Or just white potatoes?

I had never thought about using a sweet potato for salt extraction, but I always use a white potato. I think the sweet potato would flavor the foods whereas a white potato would absorb the flavor with the salt. An added note - don't leave the potato cooking until it completely cooks and gets soft or it will re-salt the food.