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I believe so.

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Q: Should scientists do everything they can do?
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Why do scientists question themselves?

The best scientists question everything. It's what they do.

Where do scientists get their clues?

Scientists observe pretty much everything. Clues can be anywhere.

Why do scientists want to measure wind speed?

Scientists want to measure EVERYTHING...

Is everything scientists say true?

No not always! Scientists make mistakes just like regular people. So don't belive everything they say because everything they say isn't true! If scientists said if you touch a person with your eyes closed and they turn purple right away would you believe it? No of course not. Scientists don't know everything only God does.

Which method should scientists use to determine the best dosage of this new medication?

Vary only the dosages of the medication whilekeeping everything else constant"

What do scientists use to help them create a hypothesis?

Based on things, they use everything. Scientists observe then say what they think.

How do scientists use percentages in their work?

They are smart and know everything

Do scientists know everything about life and living things?


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How do scientists know everything but not how the dinosaurs died out?

Scientists don't know everything, nor do they claim to know everything.There's a lot of compelling evidence to suggest that the dinosaurs were killed of by a massive meteorite impact.

How do scientists know what chemicals are like?

because everything is consider chemicals

How do you know that everything is made from atoms?

If has been proven by many scientists.