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Unless it is Jaws, absolutely not

All creatures play a vital part in the ecosystem. If we kill sharks, it will upset the balance of the food chain in the ocean and who knows how far it will ripple.

Remember, a stone in the pond will upset the entire pond eventually.

Besides, sharks leave us alone, let's return the favor.

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Yes sharks should be culled

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Q: Should sharks be hunted and killed?
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What are Leopard sharks hunted for?

Sharks are hunted for their fins , bones and their skin.

Are sharks hunted?

yes, sharks can be hunted by using sea traps

Are Bull shark in danger?

Yes. Humans are the biggest enemies for these sharks. They have been hunted and killed indiscrimenately by humans for decades. That is why they are endangered.

Is the sharks hunted or is it hunted?

sometimes both!

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animals like wolves should be hunted and killed

Why sharks should be hunted and killed after an attack on a human?

The argument is that once a shark (or any wild animal for that matter) has attacked a human, they will continue to do so, and the only way to stop this from happening is to kill it.

Should sharks be killed?

no you big fat BUTS

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Why are sharks hunted?

Sharks are hunted for their fins and other things like teeth,{for tuorist atractions and weapons} and skin{sometimes for sand paper}.

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humans and sharks and stuff

How are sharks treated?

Many people don't know that sharks are not a great predator to humans. The only reason why humans get attacked is because they look like shark's prey, we have an open wound (its just and instinct for the shark), or we are threatening them. Since many people don't understand this sharks are being hunted and killed. Also when the sharks are killed we have bigger problems. The first thing that can happen is that the sharks become more aggressive towards us. Then next thing that can happen is that there will be less sharks thefore less seals being hunted and the seals hunt the fish that we catch and potentialy sell so there will not be any fish that we like to eat left or they like to eat so... Sharks become extinct because we kill them or because they dont have any seals to hunt because they have killed all of their food.

What do you call sharks looking for food?

The sharks are called predators, and the food that is being hunted is called prey.