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Q: Should slavery be allowed in the southern states where it currently exists?
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Should Slavery be allowed in the US?

No slavery is a terrible thing

Why should slavery be allowed?

Slavery should not be allowed because it is a violation of human rights and dignity. It perpetuates exploitation, abuse, and suffering of individuals and undermines principles of equality and freedom. All individuals deserve to be treated with respect and have the right to live a life free from servitude.

Should slavery be allowed?

Slavery should not be aloud because I think that's just wrong, unfair, and racist because people are not property and deserve a life. There is no reason for slavery.

Where did most northeners believe slavery should not be allowed to spread?

because they had a war and Abraham Licoln won so there should be no slavery

Who did not believe slavery should be abolished?

Southern cotton-growers (the 'Plantocracy') and their local politicians.

The concept that a territory should be allowed to decide wheather to have slavery was known as?

popular sovereignty

The concept that a territory should be allowed to decide whether to have slavery known as?

Popular sovereignty

What was the impact of the wilmot proviso on the development of the sectional crisis between the northern and southern states?

It meant that a large and influential group within Congress believed that slavery should not be allowed in any of the new territories acquired from Mexico.

What does the wilmont proviso say?

It declared that there should be no slavery allowed in any of the new territories acquired from Mexico.

Is southern chicken allowed for Muslims?

All kinds of Chicken are allowed for Muslims to eat. However, chicken should be slaughtered licitly.

What idea was that Citizens of each new territory should be allowed to decide if they wanted to permit slavery?

Popular Sovereignty

How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ?

Northern View Of Slavery- A vocal minority of northerners were abolitionists or people who wanted to end slavery. They believed that slavery was morally wrongs. Abolitionists favored a gradual end while others demanded that all slavery was outlawed at once. Not all northerners wanted to end slavery Southern Views Of Slavery Many southerns belied that god intend that black people should provide the labor for white "civilized" society