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While the Big Bang Theory is not the only cosmological model for exploring a causation for our existence, it does provide a context and organization from which each individual my understand and come to grips with their own rationale for why and how organic life is possible. It is also a great exercise in logic, and logical thinking is a useful tool in any life pursuit.

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Like every good hypothesis, the Big Bang made very specific predictions about what we would observe if we looked out from our Earth. Amongst its predictions were the following:

1) the distance between us and all galaxies outside our Local Group would be expanding, and the degree of expansion would be proportional to the distance between us and that galaxy.
2) microwave radiation of almost perfect isotropy, with a spectrum identical to that of a black-body of temperature 2.7 K, would be coming to us from outside our planet.
3) hydrogen would compose about 90% of all parts of our Universe, with helium composing about 10% of the rest.
4) all quasars would be distant from us.
5) no white dwarf stars would be exist older than about 13 billion years.
6) the ratio of radioactive isotopes, with half lives in the billions of years, to their decay products would indicate a Universe no older than about 12 billion years.

Ifany of thesepredictions were found to not be true, then we would justifying in doubting the truth of Big Bang Cosmology (or doubt how the prediction was determined)-- after all, if a hypothesis predicts something that is not observed, science demands that the hypothesis be rejected or at least modified.

However,so far allof them have been found to be true with this cosmological model. Therefore one should believe in Big Bang Cosmology because it best supportsthe observationsfor our locally known portion of the universe.

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EDIT: Both religion and evolution should technically be taught as they are both at the same level of theory.

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Q: Should the big bang theory be taught in public schools?
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Does the Big Bang theory get taught in primary schools?

yes. not deep enough for a deep understanding though.

What year did they start teaching evolution in US public schools?

U.S. public schools have always made an effort to stay current with modern science. Since Darwin published his "Origin of the Species" in England in 1859, it can be assumed that public schools in the U.S. began teaching the principles of evolution soon afterward--perhaps within a decade or so. For example, the Nashville "Christian Advocate" (a Tennessee newspaper) was decrying the theory as a threat to faith as early as 1880. Evolutionary sciences met widespread resistance in the fundamentalist segments of the U.S., of course, leading to the infamous Scopes trial in Tennesee of 1925. It should be noted, however, that even though the fundamentalist cause was largely discredited during this event, evolution per se was more avoided than taught in public-school science classes (for fear of arousing the controversy again) until about the 1960s. It varies state by state. The word evolution is banned in some states and the words "change over time" must be used. Dover, Pennsylvania is having to deal with criticisms chicken butt

What are the 4 major assumption of the particle model of matter?

There are 4 states of matter in the particle theory but only 3 are taught at keystage 3 and 4 in UK schools (high school level in the US).These three are Solid, Liquid and Gas.The fourth state of matter is plasma.

Is evolution still taught in schools?

Yes. Evolution is a fact and the theory of evolution by natural selection explains this fact. Creationism and Intelligent Design are always rejected as science in US courts. It gives rise to a constitutional issue. Evolutionary theory is the backbone of biology and you are not specifically educated in biology if you do not know this theory. And I would say you are not generally educated if you do not have exposure to this, one of the core theories of science.

What is a list of the discoveries found by Copernicus?

Copernicus proposed an idea that was never believed at his time . Aristotle and the Church had taught other people about the geocentric theory, but using observations and math, his heliocentric theory shows that the planets orbit the sun and not the earth.

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Is creationism taught in Ohio public schools?

Creationism is not taught in Ohio public schools as part of the science curriculum. It may be taught in a cultural or sociological classroom setting, depending on the teacher or school. Only evolution is taught as a scientific theory for the origin of life in biology/science classes.

How come creationism isn't taught in public schools?

Creationism is typically not taught in public schools because it is considered a religious belief rather than a scientific theory. Public schools aim to teach science based on evidence and the scientific method, which includes the theory of evolution as the foundation of biology education. Teaching creationism in public schools can be seen as promoting a specific religious viewpoint, which goes against the separation of church and state principle in the United States.

Does Rick Santorum believe in evolution?

Rick Santorum has expressed skepticism about the theory of evolution and has advocated for the teaching of intelligent design alongside evolution in schools. He has stated his belief that there is credible scientific dissent from the theory of evolution.

Why should evolution not be taught in schools?

Evolution should be taught in schools because it is a well-established scientific theory supported by a vast amount of evidence. Understanding evolution is essential for students to grasp the principles of biology and to critically evaluate scientific knowledge. Teaching evolution does not imply denying or negating any individual's beliefs or religious views.

Is creationism taught in public schools?

In the United States, the teaching of creationism in public schools is a topic of debate due to the separation of church and state mandated by the Constitution. Creationism is typically not taught as a scientific theory in public schools, as it is seen as promoting religious beliefs rather than scientific understanding. However, some schools may offer courses or discussions on creationism as part of a broader curriculum on world religions or cultural studies.

Should public schools teach creationism alongside evolution in science classes?

No, public schools should not teach creationism alongside evolution in science classes because creationism is not based on scientific evidence and is considered a religious belief. Science classes should focus on teaching scientifically supported theories and concepts. Students can explore creationism in a religious studies class or outside of the science curriculum.

Is Darwin's theory taught in schools?

Yes, Darwin's theory of evolution is typically taught in schools as part of the science curriculum. It is an important concept in biology and is widely accepted in the scientific community as the basis for understanding the diversity of life on Earth.

Does the Big Bang theory get taught in primary schools?

yes. not deep enough for a deep understanding though.

Why is creationism not taught in schools?

Creationism is not typically taught in schools because it is considered a religious belief rather than a scientific theory. In public schools in the United States, teaching creationism alongside evolution would violate the separation of church and state. Additionally, the scientific community widely accepts evolution as a fundamental concept in biology while creationism lacks empirical evidence and is based on faith.

Is the theory of evolution allowed in schools?

Yes, the theory of evolution is an accepted scientific theory and is taught in most schools around the world as part of the science curriculum. It is supported by extensive evidence gathered from various scientific disciplines. However, the extent and manner in which it is taught may vary depending on the educational system and cultural context.

At issue in the Scopes Trial of 1925 was whether a public school teacher could?

The Scopes Trial was about teaching the theory of evolution in public schools.

When did evolution become legal?

Do you mean legal to be taught in schools? Evolution has been the accepted theory as to the origin of 'complex' life for around 150 years. I'm not sure when it became legal to be taught in schools. Probably around the same time the scientific community accepted it.