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I think they should only offer it to the kids that really want it and if they don't to bad because i would! I am just saying i think the should with no extra pay or anything.

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Q: Should the cafeteria offer fast food lunches instead of cafeteria food?
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Are school allowed to not feed kids even though they get free lunches?

No. If they refuse to feed you it is ileagel. Its a state law that the school must offer lunches if it is a full school day.

How can schools go more healthy?

Offer a financial incentive to the food supply companies that bid on supplying the various school systems. Change the laws, French Fries should never be considered a vegetable's But many school system rules allow it. As a parent, read the government rules for your children's lunches. It will make you sick! ____________________________________________________________ They could change the desserts in the cafeteria to something more healthy, like yogurt. Whatever you choose to change in your school the principal has to agree.

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generally high schools offer jobs in places like the cafeteria and library.

Why shouldn't cafeterias offer fast food lunches?

Eating fast food everyday in school can lead to obesity which then leads to health problems. Another reason that cafeterias should not have fast food in lunches is because we all know that the kids will want to eat it, but eat junk food at schools everyday will not help with his or her education. It affects the brain and does not let the kids focus as much. If anything they should change the fast food into more nutritionist and healthier foods.

Using Your School Cafeteria to Your Benefit in the Dorm Room Diet?

If you're following the dorm room diet, chances are you're in school and the diet fits your schedule and eating habits pretty well. Instead of just following the diet without seeking other types of foods, try your local cafeteria to see what there is to offer. When searching for food to eat in the cafeteria, you generally want to find and pick out the grilled, lean meats, whole grain foods and cereals, low fat or skim milk, and more. College cafeterias have a tendency to serve up "typical college food" such as pizza or hamburgers, but you can still eat at your school cafeteria without cheating on your diet by following this tip.

The amount of food at a cafeteria checkout?

When they were first coined the term cafeteria was a place where you could have a drink and visit with your coworkers. They at the time were serving alcohol drinks which was in the early part of the century and they mostly served pastries and cakes now days you can order a meal with non-alcoholic beverages and most cafeterias offer home cooked meals to sandwiches to pizza. The best examples would be the ones that you see in a mall food court. Hospitals also offer cafeteria food with many choices.

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You should go with a discount brokerage instead of a bank, such as TD Ameritrade.

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If your destination of about 72 KMs away, you should offer 2 Farz in Zuhar, 2 in Aasr, and 2 in Isha instead of 4. Rest of the prayer is the same. You may offer Sunnah or leave it. You will offer 3 Witr.

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Did your crush has a crush on you because he always asks you to buy juice at the cafeteria for him that you will buy for him?

Most likely. If you guys are friends, he may see you as a friend and offer to do it cuz that's what friends do, sometimes.

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