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no that means they have 'soft shell' that it to a vet asap!

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Q: Should the shell on a 3 year old desert tortoise move when it breathes?
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Related questions

What causes the shell of a desert tortoise to deform?

Poor diet and lack of ultraviolet solar radiation can cause a tortoise shell to deform.

What adaptations does a desert tortoise have?

it has a hard shell to protect it from preditors

Does a tortoise's throat inflate and deflate when it breathes?

Since a tortoise cant expand its abdomen (as it is encased in a shell) to fill its lungs it must pump air down its throat. It uses a sack near its mouth to do this.

Why is the tortoise shell rough?

To protect the tortoise.

What reptile is the only reptile with a shell?

a turtle is a reptile with a shell . So is a Tortoise ! A tortoise is also a reptile with a shell !

In the fable of the tortoise how does the tortoise get a broken shell?

His shell breaks when he has to jump to his home from up in the sky

How are the tortoise shell useful to them?

The tortoise's shell is their home. The shell has a hard cover and can protect them when something hard hits it. If they do not have the shell, they would have died fast.

How do you draw a tortoise shell without the tortoise in it?

you draw the tortoise and then rub out its body

Where is the tortoise shell in you spy?

It is in the clock and it is the shell of a turtle

Adaptation of a tortoise?

its shell

Why would you find a huge empty tortoise shell and not the tortoise?

Unfortunately, it is a myth that turtles and tortoises can leave or change their shells. The shell is actually a hard, protective covering over the turtle or tortoise's ribs. So if you find an empty tortoise shell that means that that tortoise has died and decomposed.

What happens if a tortoise's shell cracks?

The shell of a tortoise is similar to the human rib cage. To be precise, the human rib cage has spaces between them which seperates 1 rib from the other. For a tortoise the ribs are merged together forming a conch aka shell. Hence if you ever tap hard on the shell of a tortoise a few times, you will see immediate movement in the form of the tortoise trying to run away from you. Hence if the shell of the Tortoise breaks it results in immediate death of the tortoise . Hence one should never try and remove the shell of the tortoise. Incase the shell cracks , immediately take your tortoise to a pet doc. Also bandage the crack like you would to a human wound. Ensure that the bandage is firm so as to hold the shell together.