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no that is very mean.what if the dog is just trying to protect its owner,or someone was trying to hurt the dog and it bit back.your question is very stupid.

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11y ago

No you shouldn't execute dogs because, if eveytime a dog bits a human then they will get sent away. Then there will soon be no dogs left!!

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Q: Should the state execte dogs that have bite someone?
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bite them back?...this is a strange question

How will you know if someone is bitten by dog?

There should be a bite mark!

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no someone can't bite their teeth

Is it illegal to bite someone?

well- uh- no, this is not illegal to bite someone, but you shouldn't otherwise do it if you talking about hurting someone physically as a very mean way, you should never bite someone if it's that.

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if you have tics you should go see a someone......... FAST

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I think that sharks should not be killed if they bite someone but if the sharks bite someone and they die, then they should be killed because they have taken away someones life. If the person who died was innocent and wasn't disturbing the shark, it would be ok to kill the shark. If this person was messing and teasing the shark or harming it in anyway, the shark should be left alone. The shark was only protecting itself from the stupid human being who decided to mess with it.

Should the state execute dogs that have bitten someone?

Most certainlly not! All dogs bite someone, usually at a young age. If that were to happen then the dogs would soon go extinct.

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become really good friends with her, then she should bite you. or if your playing her then become really good friends with someone and the option "bite" or something like that should come up.

Should dogs be able to be without a leash?

No it should not be aloud. If you walk by someone and they are off the leash they could bite them , or they can run away

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they should be able to look after their self because if someone try to mess with them they can bite the person

What does Bite means?

bite means that you really hurt someone with your teeth