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There is no right or wrong answer to this question.

On one hand, a nuclear weapon allows a smaller nation the ability to fight back against a larger one. For instance, if Poland was a nuclear power in 1939, how might it have changed the history of WWII if Berlin had been destroyed by a nuclear weapon?

So nuclear weapons give nations a great weapon that could cause other nations to think twice before attacking.

Also having nuclear weapons could be a great sense of pride and of progress. If your nation has the ability to process and maintain a nuclear arsenal, then your nation can do almost anything it sets itself to do.

There is also a false belief that two nations with nuclear weapons have never gone to war. Many people forget that both India and Pakistan have gone to war while also being nuclear armed. Additionally, India and China have also fought.

On the other hand, 3rd world nations are prone to unstable governments, corruption, lax security, and possibly even a bad command and control mechanism for when and how to use nuclear weapons.

One of the great concerns right now is Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. Pakistan is a nation rife with corruption and unknown allegiences of many in its government. If the government were to collapse and the military found itself in a civil war, where would the nuclear weapons go? Who would control them? You can imagine the outcome if a member of Lashkar-e-Tayyba or al-Qa'ida were to get their hands on a nuclear device.

Additionally, it could cause an arms race and cause a domino affect of sorts. If one nation in a region gets nuclear weapons, the others will fear for their safety and start building their own and then neighbors of those countries will do the same. With heightened tensions, it would become much more likely for one nation to accidentally or intentionally detonate a nuclear weapon on their neighbor and ignite a regional nuclear war.

So again, there is no right answer. Not all third world nations are on the verge of collapse and could easily maintain a nuclear arsenal. I suppose it comes down to motive and intent.

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Q: Should third world countries be permitted to produce nuclear weapons?
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