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Separate them. The mean one will most likely kill the other.

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Q: Should we separate two roosters one mature the other almost 4 months old since the older rooster is pecking the younger unmercifully Will he stop eventually or will he always intimidate the young one?
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Do male chicks have spurs when they hatch?

No they do not. If they did it would be very easy to separate the future roosters from the future hens.

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Do you separate boy chickens?

Yes. As cockerels (As Male Chickens Younger than a year are referred to) grow into Roosters they begin to become sexually mature. Roosters, if not seperated when they are fully grown will begin to fight. The reason the Roosters fight is because they want to become top of the pecking order (you can research this more if you wish) but mainly want to become the leader of the flock so they have all rights to the hens. Any other Male is considered an 'intruder' wanting to battle over the rights of owning the flock. If two Roosters are placed together they will fight and often to the death. This is why you must separate Male Chickens to ensure they don't fight and become aggressive.

How do chickens make unfertalized eggs?

A chicken can make an unfertilized egg by keeping the hens separate from the roosters. In commercial egg houses, there are only hens. The rooster is the one that fertilizes the egg.

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It is heterogenous because if you set it out, it will eventually separate.

Why are these 4 roosters raping and killing my baby chickens I saved one and the others have died. I want to get rid of these roosters the other 2 roosters try to protect the babies. What is going on?

Because the babies are so small thee rooster sees them as a threat..they should be in a separate cage until they get used to them...also when the ae left free u should watch to see how things go on & disciplin the rooster until he learns or make soup if he too stubborn

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The social system that provided separate facilities for the minorities was called 'separate, but equal.' The Supreme Court eventually found that they were not equal.

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They speed up and separate, and it will eventually turn to air.

Can 2 roosters share the hen house?

well it all depends on the cage just make sure they can all have there own space walk around and stuff make sure there is room for a water dish and btw throw the chickens food on the ground for them ( btw mean by the way)

What do you feed cockrels?

Our roosters eat the same feed as the hens. It is a basic ration for egg laying poultry purchased up at the tractor supply. They also get veggie and salad scraps from the kitchen. They don't mind getting into my garden and eating my greens and strawberries either.

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unless you mix it, it is because of the oil ketchup holds i know, gross right!

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