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Q: Should western history be capitalized
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Should western world be capitalized?

"Western" should be capitalized and "world" should not.

Should the word history be capitalized when referring to History teacher?

No, the word "history" should not be capitalized when referring to a history teacher unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

Does the word Indian need to be capitalized when writing an essay about Texas history?

Yes, Indian should be capitalized.

Would I capitalize the words English and history in a sentence talking about subjects that I love?

Yes, you should capitalize the words "English" and "History" in this context as they are specific subjects in this case.

Should social studies the subject be capitalized?

No, "social studies" is not typically capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence or part of a title.

How do you capitalize western Europe?

It is capitalized Western Europe

Do you capitalize westerners?

Yes, the word "Westerners" should be capitalized because it is a proper noun referring to a specific group of people from the Western region or countries.

Is Western society capitalized?

Many places around the world have capitalism and it all has to do with supply & demand. and trade

Does western hemisphere need to be capitalized?

Yes, "Western Hemisphere" should be capitalized because it refers to a specific geographical region encompassing the Americas.

Do you capitalize western waltz?

If thename of the waltz is Wester n, the n it is capitalized. It should be Wester n Waltz.

Should captain of history be capitalized in He will always be remembered as a great captain of history?

It was probably a captain of industry, not a captain of history, but in either case, it is not necessary to capitalize.

Is American history capitalized?

Yes, if it a subject called American History. Otherwise, just American is capitalized.