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Women take great pains to present an attractive appearance. For American women, underarm hair and hair on legs is considered unattractive, so they usually shave it off. In some other countries, underarm hair is not viewed with such distaste, so it may not be shaven. /brian W

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13y ago

I would if they're hairy... I mean if they are and you don't shave them you might be European...

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Q: Should women shave their arms
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Related questions

Is it true that Italian women do not shave?

No, in fact most European women don't shave their arms, legs, pits etc.. Most Italian women don't practice daily bathing rituals either.

Where are you supposed to shave?

You don't HAVE to shave anything. I suggest shaving under the arms, on the legs, don't shave your arms! It'll grow back thick and dark. As for private areas, use Nair and ask your mom to get your some razers.

Can a girl model have hairy arms?

It's completely normal. Some women do not like their arm hair, so they wax or shave it.

Shave public hair?

Women commonly shave the hair off many parts of their body, including legs and arms. Men also shave hair off public and private parts of their body.

Can you recommend an electric shaver for women that will work on legs and under the arms?

The Venus electric razors are great for women and have a smooth, clean shave.

Are you supposed to shave your arams?

Shaving your arms is purely a personal choice. Some women dont, some women do. Same thing for legs and underarms.

Do women in Europe shave their legs?

Not all women in Europe shave their legs. It is a myth that European women do not shave their legs.

Why do you have hair on your arms?

You have hair under your arms because that means your changing in to a man/women or your just a early puberty bloomer. And don't worry it's nothing big to worry about you just need to shave your arms!

How do you get hair off your arms?


Are men supposed to shave their arms?

If you said: armpits then it's a yes. But to the fact that you said: Arms ... I once heard/read an article about shaving, it said that girls should/could shave their armpits, legs...pubic hair... but not arms. I don't know the reason why but it just said that.__________ I'm sure it is okay for girls to shave their arms, but shaving actually stimulates hair growth, and the hair could come back in darker and thicker. It's usually better to just leave it alone. There are the options of electrolysis and laser hair removal for a more lasting hair banishment method. Bleaching can make the hair less noticeable, and waxing, though very painful, is also an option that isn't as permanent as electrolysis, but it works much better and is more long term than shaving.It depends how hairy they are... IF they are very very hairy you should i do but my arms are not hairy. ;)

How do Muslim women shave before marriage?

Muslim women shave before marriage the same way other women shave when they choose so. With a shaver.

If your a swimmer is it normal to shave your arms?
