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Yes you should be proud of being gay.

Be proud of yourself for being a kind, understanding considerate person to others, not because of your sexuality. You are who you are so be proud of it.

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Q: Should you be proud of being gay?
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What does it mean to have gay pride?

To be gay and proud of it. Whereby the importance of being gay is special. Its general pride, but the pride stems from being gay

What is gay praid?

Gay PRIDE is proud of being a male and homosexua.Gay Praid...No clue.^^;

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You can be proud of being Filipino for the rich cultural heritage, strong sense of community and family values, and resilience in facing challenges. Filipino culture is known for its warmth, hospitality, and creativity.

What should you do if you are gay but do not want to be?

You have to learn to accept yourself for who you really are becouse if you just ignore it your life will be a facade. There is no way to 'cure' 'get rid off' or 'change' the gay. If your gay be strong and proud not everyone has to know but be proud becouse it's who you are.

Why should you be gay?

There is no "should" or "shouldn't" to it. Being gay is not a choice, you are either born gay or you are not.

Why are you gay and proud to be?

The term gay and proud came from people who were gay and would respond back to people hating on them that they don't want to change who they are.

Should I be Gay Or Straight?

Being gay is not a choice.

Did Mr Gay San Francisco cover his face with his hands when he was named Mr Gay USA 2008?

actually he may have been proud, i know it's a crazy notion for a homosexual man to be proud of being gay but there is this little thing called pride.. i donno ? and to be named Mr gay of san francsico the biggest gay tropolous in the world i would be proud. But some closed minded people like your self are to ignorent to see that.

Is Ashleigh Nicholls Gay?

Yes he is gay. He is very proud of it.

What is the essence of being a gay?

Being gay means being sexually and/or romantically attracted to people of the same sex as you. the essence of a gay is not quite different from the essence of man and a woman, the only edge has a gay is he or she has the characteristics of a man and woman. and i believe that being a gay is not sin, because we are just showing what we feel, what we like, we are just true to our selves, being a gay some something to do with world because without as gays there will be no color here on earth because as we can see now a days that there are lots of gays that are so talented and that is a gift from God that we should be proud of.!

What if you REALLY want to be gay?

Nobody starts out wanting to be gay. But gay people go through an internal battle and eventually come to terms with it. If you are gay, be proud of yourself be who you are. If you are straight, be proud of yourself and be who you are.

Are gay people proud?

I certainly am!