

Best Answer
Sugar in itself is not a bad thing but too much can definitely have adverse effects. An old but very true motto to live by is "everything in moderation." Here are some of the ways it can effect you.Energy LevelsAfter you eat sugar, you might experience an increase in energy, but the effect is temporary. After some time, your body will crash and your energy levels will plummet. This can get you into a cycle in which you eat to increase energy, crash and eat again to regain energy. Keep repeating the cycle and you might end up gaining weight as a result, as well as feeling drained of energy. DiabetesEating excess sugar does not directly cause Diabetes, but it might increase your risk. According to, eating sugar will trigger the release of insulin in your body. In people who are already predisposed to diabetes because of family history, the constant release of insulin might eventually affect the way your body deals with sugar, leading to diabetes. While all carbs can affect your blood sugar, carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, such as sweets, white flour and highly processed grains, will cause it to spike more quickly. Other Side EffectsOther consequences of consuming too much sugar include susceptibility to Infectious Diseases and yeast infections, hyperactivity in children, crankiness and mood changes and eczema. Sugar can also increase your triglycerides, which are one of the components of your cholesterol. High triglycerides mean a greater risk of heart attacks. Sugar might also weaken your immune system.
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Q: Should you be worried about the amount of sugar in soft drinks?
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If you are serious about losing weight, you should start small by gradually reducing the amount of sugars you drink. Drinks such as sodas, pops, and soft drinks contain a more than amiable amount of sugar. Replace these drinks with water.

How many grams of sugar are in food and drinks?

The amount of sugar in foods and drinks varies greatly from item to item. Some have zero grams of sugar, while others have hundreds of grams. The recommended daily intake of sugar is 20 grams.

Should a diabetic drink powerade 0?

well it's obvious. diabetics have a high sugar level if it's type 2. so most likely they should consume drinks that have a little to no sugar. sugar free drinks.

Are monster drinks bad for your liver?

if your talking about monster energy drinks, then no. they are just the same as any other energy drink, sugar, water, flavor, and caffeine. and some other crap/herbs. nothing to be worried about.

Why kids should be able to drink sports drinks in school?

because it has lots of sugar and sugar helps you focus

Does monster drinks push up your blood sugar?

While energy drinks are available in both regular sugar-sweetened and sugar-free versions, the amount of sugar in the sugar-sweetened energy drinks varies according to the size and kind of drink chosen. For example, an 8 ounce regular drink might contain 22.6 grams of sugar, while a 16 ounce drink could contain as much as 52 grams of sugar (or 13 teaspoons of sugar). Patients with diabetes who consume sugar-sweetened energy drinks could certainly expect their blood glucose levels to increase!

Why is soda unhealthy?

Soda is unhealthy because it has a large amount of sugar- that is to make drinks fizzy and match the type. It depens on how much sugar there are in other fizzy drinks. However, if you drink soda or any other fizz drinks too much, it is VERY unhealthy I hope this had helped :-)

What is the amount of monsters energy drinks to kill somebody?

One a day should do the trick! :) We haven't seen the long term effects, but with the sugar levels and chemical mix, it'll kill ya.

How many drinks have no sugar?

5 drinks

Do fizzy drinks carry more sugar than sport drinks?

Yes Fizzy drinks carry more sugar compare to sport drinks.

How is candy and drinks not heathly?

Candy/sweets have a large amount of sugar content in them. As for drinks, it depends what drink we are on about here, some fruit juices can be classed as one of your five a day.

diabetic drinks?

Diabetic drinks should be low in sugar and calories. Sugar can be replaced with a low calorie sweeter such as Splenda or Equal. Water is the best drink, but flavoring packets can give some flavor.