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If you truly like them then yes! If u only kinda like them don't! Because you really aren't gnna be ready for a real relationship! Also if thatcpersoncreally seems to like you then yes! Hope that helped! G-Luck!

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Q: Should you confess you like someone in person?
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Why can't someone you like confess to you?

why can't you tell this person that you like them? insecurity, fear of rejection, fear of embarassment. the best way to get someone to confess to you, is through a kiss. next time you see that person, impulsively kiss them, wait until their initial response (other than surprise), is either they just stand and do nothing, or they start kissing you back.

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If the other person strongly dislikes the person, then they should get over it and find someone else.

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When that someone said they did not like someone else you should have asked why they didn't like that person. It is called 'communicating.' If you like the person the other person does not like don't be afraid to say so.

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You could ask the person out or you could forget the person and move on.

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* You should confess to them that you actually like this person, and if they say no then you shouldn't be discouraged because you had the confidence of going up to them and telling them you like them - that's a start.

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to show u like the person?

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I figure if you like the person then you should confront your feelings and let it be known to that person

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i think it shouldn't matter to the person if they really like you .they should like you for who you are.

Should a person like someone?

umm. i think so. If you don't like someone at the time i think that's fine but trying to not like someone is not the right thing to do.

What do you do if you lied to a person that you like?

Confess to your lie, any healthy relationship is based on truthfulness and trust

What you do when you like someone?

If you like someone you should talk to that person and find out more about him/her. Then if it feels right ask him/her out on a date for diner or a movie.