

Should you feed your gecko other geckos?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Well, it's a possibility. Do you have a younger brother or sister spare?

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Q: Should you feed your gecko other geckos?
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Do geckos eat rolli pollis?

no do not feed your gecko anything other than food you get at the pet store

What should I feed the gecko I caught in Florida?

From the wild, most geckos will feed on a diet of insects, arthropods, small mammals, small birds and other small reptiles.

How big of insects should you feed your Crested Gecko?

The insets should not be bigger than the space between your geckos eyes.

What fruit do leopard geckos eat?

Leopard geckos are meat-eaters. NO FRUIT. Its best to feed your gecko insects like crickets : )

How old do leopard geckos have to be to eat pinkies?

it is recommended that you do not feed geckos pinkies but they should be able to handle ONE every 1-2 months once they are 8-10 inches not including tail.

Do you have to feed leopard geckos crickets?

You do not have to feed your leopard gecko just crickets, you can feed your leopard gecko mealworms as a main staple of the diet also. You can also feed your leopard geckos waxworms as a treat, you want to be stingy with these because your leopard gecko can get addicted to the waxworms and not eat anything else. Hope I helped! They will eat just about any small insect when hungry, care should be taken to ensure that they are not able to eat any poisonous insects. Spiders are generally fine, but eating certain caterpillars are most definitely not good for geckos - or any other lizard.

What should you feed your gecko?

you should feed your gecko insects such as:cricketsmealwormslocustsbut not beef, veggies

How much day gecko food do you feed a crested gecko?

You do not feed your crested gecko Day gecko diet. The diet your speaking of Is produced by Repashy or T-Rexx, both of these manufacturer's create a Meal replacement powder designed specifically for crested geckos. Crested gecko diet.

Do wild geckos feed their babies?

no when the egg hatches the gecko is on its own it learns to hunt and fend for its self.

Do leopard geckos HAVE to eat live food?

No. People feed leopard geckos "pinkies" for various reasons. To boost nutrition during a geckos pregnancy. To give a gecko a large feeding so as to not have to feed it for a week (this works well if you want to take a vacation). Some people just think it's entertaining. A Leopard Gecko does not "need" to eat baby mice. Crickets will do.

Why are geckos tails fat?

Leopard geckos have fat tails because in the wild they may not eat for days and days. Whenever you feed you leopard gecko a samll portion of there meal goes to there tail. This is stored up nutrients for days when they may not eat. THis way a gecko can live from the nutrients in there tail. This does not mean you should stop feeding you gecko for days on end. Baby and juvenille geckos should be fed every day. However an adult gecko i find is perfectly comfortable eating a large meal every other day. ANd when i say large i mean 5 large crickets. My geckos are perfectly healthy and happy on this diet.

Are geckos carnivores herbivores or omnivores?

Generally geckos are insectivores (carnivores) however some geckos are omnivores and can live on a fruit or insect diet. It depends on the species of gecko though.