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Q: Should you feed your hermet crab oranges or cheerios?
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What is a tiny white crab with long tail that goes under the sand on the shore?

hermet crab?

What if you gave your hermit crab Gatorade?

the hermet crab will die or be in a serious codition that cannot be cured

Can you put fake plants in with your hermet crab?

Yes, but if your hermit crab starts eating them, take the plants out.

Will a female hermet carb kill a male hermet carb?

I think you mean hermet crabs. yes, a hermit crab female can kill a male if threatened. that is to say if you have crabs weak or strong enough to kill or be killed by one another.

How do you keep a pet crab?

it depends which kind only a hermet crab if you live by a beach you usually can just go to a suvineir shop and by it if not a pet store

How much does a hermet crab cost?

A land hermit crabs costs around five dollars, but their habitat costs a lot more.

What type of shells are there?

mussels,snail,hermet crab,conch shell,oyster shell,crab, lobster,regular shell,clam,turtle

What do you do if your hermit crabs cheerios get mold on them?

I'm willing to bet your hermit crab doesn't like cheerios since mold has grown on them. Maybe try hermit crab food, or lettuce? or maybe honey nut cherrios:)

Is hermet crab poop slimy?

Hermit crabs excrete is so small, you have to look hard to see it, hermit crabs store it in their shells then scoop it out. It is dry.

What does it mean when hermet crabs comes out of there shells?

If they come completely out of his/she's shell it means he/she is ready for a NEWW shell or if she just comes out and he/she just comes some what out of his/her shell he/she is awake now, ready to play or Hungary or thirsty! :) remember to take care and L<3ve for your Hermet Crab!

What degrees does it need to be for a hermet crab to live?

Hi I have three hermit crabs two are mine and one is my sisters they have lived for quite a while and they must be in 80degrees np. :)

How do you train hermit crabs?

it may be varry hard to train a hermet crab but with a routine and treats you can. say u want a hermit crab to climb a stck when you take it out of its cage, you should put a treat such as raw fish or uncooked green beans at the toop of the stick. it will take a long time but evaltulay you can take the treat away and the hermit crab will still climb. you should practice the tirck once a day to make sure it remembers the rotine.