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Q: Should you feel guilty about killing spiders ants and other bugs?
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What spiders eat other spiders?

Any spiders. Think of it like this what could you eat without being killed and life-sized lving thing (like elephants) killing you. Insects lives by eating other insects and animals kills other animals and some insects and plants.

If daddy long leg spiders are in basement should you get rid of them or will they eat other spiders or bugs?

actually in your basement there is no daddy long leg spiders the spiders in your basement are called cellar spiders they don't eat other bugs they just make webs and will sit there undisturbed for many days so you should get rid of them unless you want spiders in your basement. Hope this helped

Should you get rid of yellow spiders?

what for? they eat pests and other bugs and dont bother you do they?

Which type of animal kill their type?

There are several species of ants that will kill other ants, some spiders that kill their mate after procreation, and of course humans are well known for killing of other humans.

What do grass spiders eat and what eats grass spiders?

grass spiders eat other spiders

Do spiders make a noise right before they die to call other spiders?

No, spiders do not communicate with each other in that way.

What do assassin spiders eat?

only other spiders!

When you feel guilty from other talks what should you do?

Sind or dance or paint or just act silly

What are the names of jury verdicts besides guilty or not guilty?

That's it! There are no other verdicts. Guilty or Not Guilty is the only choice.

What are some things that Spiders do?

Spiders kill insects and other animals. It is best not to disturb a spider or it will bite you, most likely. If you get bit, you should make sure that the spider that you bit you is not poisonous!

Why should not harm spiders?

Because spiders help us eat mosquitos and other annoying insects. Also, don't break their webs because that's what helps them trap the insects.

If a parent is found guilty of child abuse should they be allowed to see their other children?

mother or father?