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Opinion: It depends to why she did it and who pushed her to be in that direction. I don't think any women, married or single, will just betray her husband or boyfriend because she wanted to have an affair with someone new.

Opinion: It's up to you. If she wants your forgiveness, you might honestly consider giving it to her. But if she is not remorseful and wants to continue in the affair, then it may be time to go your own ways.

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14y ago

If you still love your wife and care about here even if she did this terrible thing. Then yes, you should forgive her. This does not mean that you have to continue the relationship or take her back. It just means you need to forgive her and move on with your life.

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11y ago

It is about your relationship do what your heart says if you are not good enough for your spouse for what ever reason at the time talk to them about it they should know how you feel about the situation. It is defiantly not a good relationship if your spouse lies to you and cheats on you. If it were up to me I would talk to them and tell them that if I wasn't good enough for them it is their loss and that if I'm not their only love (in a partner sort of way) I'm not their love at all and leave them. But this dicition is not up to me it is up to you and your spouse

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13y ago
  • The key word in your question was 'affairs.' This indicates your spouse has had more than one affair and you need to get tough! You are in charge of your destiny and only you can decide what makes you happy. Letting a spouse get away with cheating more than once is enabling their behavior and hurting you over and over again. When a spouse cheats once that can be human and a mistake, but when a spouse keeps cheating this is a lack of respect to their spouse. This is when the spouse who is being cheated on gets tough and has a zero tolerance level. Give your spouse the option of going to marriage counseling and if they cheat one more time then you are filing for divorce. Do not settle for less for yourself by forgiving and it is not true that a person who has been cheated on ever forgets it. That bond of trust between the two has been broke and in this case multiple times.
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14y ago

You can forgive her; do you want to stay with a wife who cheats?

I will forgive her once. Probably not twice.

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Some people do forgive and some people don't. Depends on if you want to forgive or not. You could forgive and forget or hold a grudge and never talk again. You could be the better person of the situation and forgive or be a juvenile and hold a grudge. Its all up to you. Good Luck, and remember, when you make your decision, your stuck with it for life. ANSWER: Emotional cheating is the worst one ever, between man and his wife. It's better if your husband or wife to have a one night stand, rather than emotional connection with the other person. Emotional cheating or affairs can damage a marriage . When it comes to having emotional cheating, married men are the one that do get involved emotionally. I don't know if you can forgive your spouse, and I'm not sure if you can pass through it. The man I married also had emotional affair to the woman he met on line, and because of their special connection, he fell in love with her. And this is the reason why I can't forgive him. Our life will not be the same anymore if I let him come back. The things he shared with her, I never experience it from him since we got married. My advice to you is think about it really good, because this decision you will make will affect your entire life with him....

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I dont know if yourmale or female but people cheat for all kinds of reasons, but in the end you broke you sacred marriage vows. Those vows didnt say cheat if spouse withholds affection. You made a decision and followed through with it now everyone gets hurt. I speak from experience I was cheated on and my kids as well as myself wrere hurt. It is very selfish and insensitive not to mention life changing because you may forgive the person but you never forget. When you marry you become as one in Gods eyes for better or worse.

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