

Should you give horses yogurt

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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No, yogurt is very bad it can make them very sick as horses are herbivores, accustomed to eating grass and hay.

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Q: Should you give horses yogurt
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Can give kitten a little spoon of yogurt?

noi guess you could i give my kitties yogurt sometimes

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No one has to ride horses. But horses can change your life i should because they changed mine and they give you a friend, someone to talk to that won't tell your secrets. I strongly suggest that whoever is reading this then you should ride horses.

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Horses undergoing frequent exercise require adequate rest, nutrition, water, shelter and companionship.

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Who should administer Strangles vaccinations in Horses?

Unless you know how to give vaccinations let your vet do it.

Grams of sugar in a cup of yogurt?

It depends on the kind of yogurt. It should say on the bottle.

How much parenting do horses do?

well if a mother horses is having a baby it should do the basics, like feeding and watching the baby, but you would probably have to get the shots for it and give it baths just like you do with adult horses.

How do you eat frozen yogurt with out having a brain freeze?

You should eat the frozen yogurt slowly.

What is the pH of yogurt?

The ideal pH of the finished product of yogurt should be between 4 and 4.1. This number also depends however on if you add fruits or flavoring to the yogurt. But after fermentation has been completed and the yogurt is ready to eat, the pH should be 4 to 4.6.

Can you give your puppy natural yogurt?

A small amount given to your puppy to lick from the back of a spoon should be OK and can help with digestion. Natural yogurt can also help to reduce the build up of digestive gas which can lead to dog flatulence.

What are special conditions for the process of yogurt?

I shall give my own experience in yogurt making: #