

Best Answer

Edema (Swelling) of the legs and feet can be caused by a serious condition of the kidney, heart, liver or blood vessels, but many other factors can contribute to its

onset, including:

  • Eating a poor diet high in salt and carbohydrates
  • Abusing laxatives
  • Abusing diuretics
  • Abusing drugs
  • Taking Birth Control or hormone replacement therapy pills
  • Pregnancy and PMS
  • Sodium retention
  • Varicose veins and history of phlebitis
  • Allergic reactions
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Trauma

If you have other symptoms such as a hard time breathing or arm or chest pain you should go to the hospital. Otherwise make an appointment with your doctor or go to an urgent care.

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Q: Should you go to the hospital if you have swollen feet and legs?
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Is it normal for swollen feet when pregnant?

Swollen feet, legs, arms everything is normal for pregnancy.

Why feet swollen?

Swollen feet are a condition in which muscles in the feet have an excessive fluid. This excessive fluid can be causes of increasing weight. It is also called Edema which usually affects the feet, lower legs and ankles.

You have swollen legs with lymphadema and now have weeping blisters on feet can you tell me why have I got these blisters as my feet are up most of the time?

l have no lymph nodes in my legs ao when they are swollen they leak water from the blisters. The itching is driving me crazy. There is always a tired ache.

Is it normal to have swollen feet at 25 weeks pregnant?

It can be but you should check with your Dr just to be sure. Swelling of the feet, legs, and hands can be normal but it can also be a symptom of pre-eclampsia , a condition that is very dangerous during pregnancy.

Is swollen fingers and tightness of the feet and legs a sign of being pregnant?

Having had 4 children,I had swelling in my hands and feet in the last month of pregnancy.

How do you know if your ankles and feet are swollen?

You will know if your ankles and feet are swollen by looking at them. Your legs may also feel heavy and can be a bit painful. Try to keep as active as possible and when sitting, avoid crossing your legs.

Should you walk on a swollen ankle?

Walking is not usually good if you have swollen ankles. It is best to prop your legs up and let the swelling go down.

Feet swell even when sitting why?

Swollen feet are a condition in which muscles in the feet have an excessive fluid. This excessive fluid can be causes of increasing weight. It is also called Edema which usually affects the feet, lower legs and ankles.

What causes swollen feet after a long day of work?

You have either been sitting or standing too long. Your legs need to be elevated now and then to maintain circulation. Other than that, try to reduce your salt intake. If your feet are painfully swollen, then a visit to the doctor is in order, since other things can come into play.

Any cure for swollen legs due to water retention?

Swollen legs are often due to weakness of the leg veins which have to circulate the blood against gravity. When they are weak, blood pools in the veins so that fluid leaks into the tissues. This causes swollen legs. Pregnancy causes swollen legs due to the weight of the baby on the pelvic veins. Kidney problems and heart problems can also cause swollen legs and ankles. If the problem is not due to pregnancy, and if your doctor confirms that your heart and kidneys are ok, then don't take diuretics as they can make the problem worse.

Can Copaxone cause swollen feet as a side effect?

The drug copaxone is used for the treatment of patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. Side effects of copaxone include, but not limited to, irritation at location of injection, chest pain, excessive muscle tone, irregular pulse, joing pain, neck pain, skin rash, swollen face/lymph glands, and swollen fingers, arms, feet or legs.

Was Boston Marathon a hoax?

No. I suggest you call the 28 people who are still in the hospital without legs and feet and ask them. It happened, so get over it.