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Not necessarily. If the reason you've never had a job is because you were in school, then in that section you could put that you've just recently graduated, with a degree in .... etc., and include your GPA (if your grades were good), and you can also include any other academic achievements. If you've never been employed because you were a homemaker and raising a family, then you could put some info about that in that section of the aplication. Being a homemaker and raising a family requires a lot of time, energy, work, organizational skills, accounting (managing a family budget), etc., to keep a home running smoothly. Use what skills, knowledge and experience that life has given you to put something in that section, and be sure to write it in a manner that reflects a positive, intelligent, and quick-to-learn attitude.

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Q: Should you leave the section about previous employment on a job application blank if you've never worked before?
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No, never! Use a paper clip instead

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Just ask for the application. The basis for qualification is determined there, not just in asking for the application.

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In the duties include section of an application, you should list specific tasks and responsibilities relevant to the job you are applying for. Be concise and focus on key duties that demonstrate your skills and experience related to the position. Avoid general statements and use action verbs to describe your responsibilities.

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Yes but only if you have been convicted of crime.

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No, Unemployment is an insurance paid by the previous employer and should not have a negative effect in a citizenship application.

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Although there are liability issues for businesses who ask and respond to reference questions about your employment history, you should anticipate that the prospective employer will want the option to call your previous boss. Give permission and explain the circumstances of terminating your relationship with the previous employer. Then describe what you learned from the experience and how you have improved as a result. Denying permission will create skepticism and you will lose an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. Also see the related links with advice from employment experts.

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Banking employment positions are not hard to find. If you go to any bank's website, there should be a "careers" section where you can apply for a job.

How do you answer 'tell us a little about your family and home community' on an application?

This question should not be allowed. Your family and community have no bearing on your opportunity for employment.

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Well, this was a long time ago, but I handed the manager my application and he asked when I could start working.