

Best Answer

no, i would rather seek child support than to let my child stay to his or her father, and that would be my right as a mother to take care of my children. Children needs the rearing of a mother while they were young, and i cant work well if i cant be able to see my child everyday.

Another view:

As for the last part of the above answer, it's not about you, it's about what's best for the children. Whether or not you can "work well" is not the responsibility of your children; it's yours, as the adult and the mother.

If you are not stable, or in a position to take proper care of your children, then you owe it to them to let their father do it until you can. You must feel their father can provide a stable home for them, otherwise I don't think you would have even considered letting them stay with him temporarily, would you?

There is no shame in needing time to get stable and get on your feet, it happens to many divorced parents. A divorce is hard on everyone, but it's hard on the children, too. And that's all the more reason they need to be in the most stable home and environment possible.

You need to look at the bigger picture here. Where do you see yourself and your children a year or two from now if you don't do all you can to get yourself in a more stable position? Probably not a very pleasant place for any of you, don't you think? Where do you see yourself and your children a year or two from now if you do all you can to get yourself in a more stable position? Probably in a much better place, don't you think? And with your children living with their father while you get your life together, you will be able to do that much sooner than if you don't. Again, you need to look at the bigger picture.

Just the act of even asking this question shows you love your children and want what's best for them, and I applaud you for that. I suggest you talk to your ex husband about temporary custody, just until you do get on your feet. If it would make you more comfortable, you can even have your attorney draw up papers stating that it is only temporary, just until you get on your feet and can give your children the care they deserve.

Your children have two parents, and they need both parents in their lives. By letting your ex care for the kids temporarily, that doesn't mean you won't get to spend time with them, it only means he will give them a stable home while you are getting your life together. It also means they will realize you love them enough to not be selfish, and to do what is best for them.

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Q: Should you let the father of your kids have temporary custody of the kids until you get stable again?
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Should you let the father of your kids have temporary custody of your kids until you get stable?

You do what's best for the children while guarding your legal rights. You should consult with an attorney or legal advocate.

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If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.If you don't have a stable environment then the court is not likely to terminate the temporary custody. The court is only concerned with the safety of the child. It is more likely to render a permanent custody order. Your child deserves to be living in a safe, stable environment.

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A husband only pays child support if he does not have custody of the child. If he is paying spousal support, it is only supposed to be temporary until the wife can become financially stable.

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That really depends on how stable he is. If there is a track record of stability showing he is the most fit parent then there may be a chance.

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The name given the child does not affect custody. The court looks at the ability of the parent to provide a stable environment with the means to support the child.

Does the custody of your daughter is still with you even if you have an affair to other man?

you could have it used against you in court if the biological father of your daughter still wants custody. he can claim you are unstable and unless you stay in a stable relationship with the man in question. but if he can prove he is in a more stable relationship he can claim that he can care for her better.

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That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.

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you could have it used against you in court if the biological father of your daughter still wants custody. he can claim you are unstable and unless you stay in a stable relationship with the man in question. but if he can prove he is in a more stable relationship he can claim that he can care for her better.

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Your first stop should be Child Protective Services. They are going to have significant input to the judge when a decision is made. They will want to know you have a stable financial and housing situation.