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Up to you, but think about why he needs to control you.

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Q: Should you not hang out with other guys because your boyfriend ask you to?
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What should you do if your boyfriend says you like other guys?

What to do: If you like other guys, you should punch your boyfriend in the face for being so nosy, and say "Yeah, jealouss??" If you do not like other guys, you should punch him in the face for being so nosy, and say "No"

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I wouldn't. Guys are not going to stop talking to you because you have a boyfriend. If they act like they want to go out with you, just let them know you have a boyfriend.

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Become very friendly with other guys.

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because he is testing you maybe you deserve

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Just Ask Him . If He's Your Boyfriend, You Guys Should Be Able To Tell Each Other Anything .

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You are weak because you forgot to put on blinders that would shield you from "making eyes" at other men. You should be ashamed.

Is it normal for boyfriend to like other guys to look at you?

Yes, because he feels like he won a prize.

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Because some men have no respect for other relationships.

Your boyfriend keeps freaking out because im hanging out with other guys and he gets mad when you dont want to hang out with him or when you dont feel like it What do you do Should you dump him?

yeah.... sounds odd.