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That depends on the type of diaper you're using, who is around, and why you're messing a diaper.

I am totally bladder incontinent, however, I wear an adult diaper that is also designed for bowel incontinence, as I get tired of leaks. On a rare occasion, such as on a long drive, I will find myself in a situation that I have to mess without options. So I will give in and just do it. I guess that since I have come to accept my diaper use, I just accept that once in a while I will mess myself also. After all my diaper is designed for it. However, I would never do it in a store brand diaper or a pull up type diaper, or it will be all over.

However, there are two big drawbacks you have to consider:

First, it smells. Unlike urine, you will smell the diaper almost immediately and it will smell up your clothing and anything you're sitting on. This mean that you will not be able to hide that you messed yourself from anyone around. If your like me, that is bad. While the people I know understand that I'm incontinent, no matter how comfortable I get with my incontinence, I'm not advertizing my diaper use to the world or that fact that I chose to mess it.

Second, it's messy. Once you go to change yourself, it takes alot of work to clean up. You may find yourself without enough wipes or needing to shower. If you are not comfortable wiping up feces from every part of your back and front side, don't do it.

However, there are those people who cannot help messing themselves (bowel incontinent) or just like it. I am not saying they are weird, I am only saying that I am not one of those people.

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Q: Should you poop your diapers
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There is a proper etiquette for changing diapers out in public which includes one not throwing the diapers out in public but one should take the diapers home to dispose of and one should only change diapers in a bathroom.

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toddler does not want poop in his diapers. Just make him say like poo-poo when he has to go and you can take him to the bathroom. =)

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Boyfriends shouldn't need diapers. If he does, it should be his mother changing them.