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Q: Should you prick burn blister on palm of hand?
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What do i treat a burn on my hand with?

In order to treat a burn on your hand it is important to know what type of burn it is. A superficial burn (known as a first degree burn) should be placed under cool running water. A partial-thickness burn (known as a second degree burn) will typically blister and should be submerged in cool water. A full-thickness burn (known as a third degree burn) is a serious medical condition and 911 should be called.

I got my hand stuck in the freezer. It is starting to blister and is sore and painful. What do I do?

It is a second degree burn apply boroline antiseptic cream

What should you do about a lump on top of your left hand?

It's possible that it is a wart or a blister. If you are worried about it, you should consult a doctor.

Where in the play of Romeo and Juliet is a pun?

"The bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prick of noon" (2,4) Is it the hand of a clock and is the "prick" the mark that marks twelve on a clock face, or is it another kind of hand and another kind of prick? Depends how dirty your mind is. Mercutio's is always filthy.

What could have caused a kind of blister of front of fore finger that wont stop bleeding?

A blister on the finger that bleeds should be covered and protected from germs. This may have been caused from a friction rub of gloves, scissors, hand tools or other repetitive hand movements.

What should you put on a hot soup burn when you burn your hand?

Lots of cold water as quickly as possible.

Why does your hand blister when burnt?

Because it's damaged by the heat.

Now you are ready to treat the burn on her hand Since it's only a superficial burn what should you do?

Apply cool water to the affected area

What is this red thing like a pimple on your hand?

It's either a pimple, a blister or a wort.

How long does it take for a burn to go away?

so far my daughter has had a blister on palm of hand that has lasted 5 days and is raised aprox. 1/2 in over palm. Burn caused by wood stove. it's still full of fluid and not popped. 06/06/11-I've got one on the palm of my hand from a plastic oven handle sticking to it. It's been about 2 weeks now and still full of fluid, but doesn't hurt at all. Just feels weird to have this big thing on my hand. I'm going to see how long it takes on its own.

Should you remove your hand from the stove burner when it is turned on?

Unless you want to suffer a severe burn, yes.

A women burned her hand in the lunchroom You should?

put her hand in cold water or put ice in it