

Best Answer

You can either pinch (NOT pull) or cut the strawberry depending on your preference. There is a lot of information on why one way is better than the other, but it really doesn't matter. If you pull the berry off, you are going to destroy some of the plant tissue and may uproot the plant all together.

Here is some more information:

  • With the strawberry in your palm, twist the stem with your thumb and forefinger. You may also pinch the stem off using the nails of the same fingers.
  • Cut the stem - do not PULL the strawberry off the bush. Using two hands hold the strawberry in the palm of one and using scissors cut with the other hand. This may cause less trauma to the plant.
  • It's always best to pick the strawberry in the early morning or on cool, cloudy days, otherwise they become soft and bruise easily.
  • There is a Japanese robot that harvests strawberries by cutting the stems at a rate of one berry every nine seconds and is 60% more efficient, and less tired, than a human doing the same job.
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Q: Should you pull strawberries off or cut them off the plant?
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How many cups in 10 oz bag of strawberries?

One cup equals about 8 fl many ounces of strawberries you can put in that cup all depends on how you cut the strawberries up. there are about 1-1/4 cup of strawberries in a 10 oz bag.

How do strawberries raproduce?

Strawberry plants are usually reproduced by runners. The runners will set baby plants which will start growing roots if it is in contact with the ground. After the baby plant has established roots the runner will dry up but is usually tough and won't break off easily. The strawberry plants can get very crowded if not thinned. The first year runners are often cut off to create a more productive yield the following year. Strawberries can reproduce by seeds as well. Strawberries are the only plant that produces fruit with the seed on the outside.

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