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ice defintly because heat relaxes it ice numbs it and gets rid of pain or something i used to weight lift and run track

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Q: Should you put heat or ice on a pulled muscle?
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If you pull a muscle can it not hurt for several hours?

A pulled muscle can be sore for a very long time, ice or heat should be applied.

Do you use ice or heat first when you are hurt?

if you pulled a muscle, you use heat. if you, say, twisted your ankle, you would use ice.

How should you treat a muscle injury?

you ice it and heat it do a lot of stretching

How long do you put ice on a pulled muscle?

Every time you pull a muscle, it stretches it so it will hurt. Putting ice on it will help the muscles go back into its former position. You should put ice on your injured leg evey time you pull it, but it really depends on how much you have pulled it to determine whether or not to put ice on it.

How long should you heat with a heating pad before icing?

The heat is to make it feel better. The ice is to take down swelling. The standard advice is RICE: rest, ice, compression (like an Ace bandage), elevation (prop it up with some pillows etc, or rest with the injured area above your heart). Heat will relax a muscle spasm, cramps, or pulled muscle but won't help with healing a sprain or tear.

What do you do if you pulled you muscle and you play softball?

Rest, ice it up and strengthen it when healed

Is there a cure for pulled muscle?

the cure for a pulled muscle is rest. you need to do wha ever you can not to over use the muscle. you can massage it and you need to do heat treat ment on it.

What is the best treatment for muscle spasms?

Muscle spasms occur when a muscle is torn or overstretched. It starts with a muscle strain, known as a pulled muscle. The strains usually heal with time but if the pain is unbearable, patients may need to take pain medication along with applying ice or heat to relieve the pain.

How do you fix a pulled muscle in 2 hours?

First put some ice on it. Then you should take a bath in warm water and epsom salt. Then take some pain reliever, then stretch the muscle.

Should you put ice on a pulled groin?


What should you do when you have a pulled muscle a. pull it further b. apply ice pack to the affected area c. run as fast as you can d. carry heavy objects?


Does Deep Heat Help A Strained Calf?

yes. anytime you pull a muscle or if your muscles are feeling sore, then you should ice it for about ten minutes and then add heat for ten minutes and continue doing that.