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if u do not want as much kittens

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Q: Should you separate your female cat from the male before she gives birth?
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What should you do when your female boxer has gave birth to her puppies and the father what happens to him-?

You should separate the father from the female boxer and the puppies once she gives birth.

When the female has kits do you separate the male?

You should separate them before she has the babies because almost right after she gives birth she can become pregnant again and you will have bunny explosion!!! Separate them!! The world does not need more bunnies!!!!! :) hope that helps.

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What should you do to the male mice well the female mice gave birth?

The male should have been separated from the female before she gave birth. But if you didn't do that, then the male should be separated before the female is done giving birth because females go into postpartum estrus (heat) after giving birth and can become pregnant again immediately. If the male is with her after giving birth, then she is most likely pregnant again. Back to back pregnancies can possibly kill the female or lead to babies less likely to survive.

Should you separate a female guppy after she gave birth to 2 guppies and how long should you keep her with them?

Livebearing fish (including guppies, mollies, platies and swordtails) are notorious for eating their young, sometimes as they are being born. If it is possible to separate the mother into another tank immediately after birth of the young, it should be done.

How does one know when to separate a male rabbit from the female rabbit during pregnancy?

You should do it when you find out she is pregnant. The male could put stress on the female. Just make sure you do it before she starts giving birth and some time afterward. The male will want to mate immediately.

Are you supposed to separate the male and female when the female is going to have birth?

Yes because the male sometimes eats the newborns and because if she gets pregnant again and has another litter before those are mature she will abandon them

Are you supposed to separate the male and female rabbits when the female is going to have birth?

Yes because the male sometimes eats the newborns and because if she gets pregnant again and has another litter before those are mature she will abandon them

Do you have to separate male whinter white hamster from female winter white hamster when female give birth?

Yes, you do have to separate them. Or else, the male will eat the babies once they are born.

What to do after a female robo dwarf hamster has her babies?

After giving birth to the babies separate the male from the female and babies or else the male will try to kill them. after a few week or so separate the mother and then separate the female and male babies or else they will mate at an early age and have undeveloped babies

When hamster born should you separate the male?

It is always best to separate the male hamster when a female gives birth. Baby hamsters are born pink and blind. At approximately 3 weeks of age, separation of males and females is recommended.

Do you separate guinea pigs when they are doing the mating dance?

You separate the guinea pigs only if you don't want the female to become pregnant.If you do want her pregnant ask a vet or someone who has bred before for advice to make the birth easier and more comftorable.