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It's possible to experience spotting while on the pill. This usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • Pill is not suitable for you
  • Missed pills
  • Break through bleeding
  • Pregnancy
  • urinary tract infection
  • Took too many pills
  • Skipping pills
  • Taking antibiotics
  • Taking Birth Control with morning after pill.

If you suspect pregnancy I recommend you perform a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after intercourse.

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Q: Does being on the birth control shot make you spot bleeding?
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What happens if you took your birth control and didn't start your period?

If you took your birth control correctly and didn't have withdrawal bleeding during the pill-free week, there is probably no need for concern. Hormonal birth control can lighten the amount of flow to the point that there is no bleeding. If you did not take your birth control correctly, or are experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, take a test to make sure.

While on Birth control do you take the white pills while you have your period?

Yes, you should always continue to take your birth control unless your physician tells you to stop. Stopping your birth control and having unprotected sex will make you become pregnant. If you are experiencing any bleeding before the expected date or time of your period, you are most likely experiencing spotting or breakthrough bleeding. This is bleeding that is not considered a period, it is however a side effect from birth control that can last up to 3 months when you first begin birth control.

What does it mean when im on birth control pills and im bleeding when im not suppose to be bleeding?

It could possibly mean that your current birth control is not right for you. Make an appt. with your OB/GYN. Also, you need to make sure that you are taking them every single day at approximately the same time.

Can birth control make you spot?

Yes. In the first few months of being on birth control, this happens frequently, and it fades as you continue to use it.

Can switching pills make you late?

It's possible that a birth control pill with a different hormone profile could change when your withdrawal bleeding starts.

On the birth control implanon nexplanon I bleed when I do any hard enough physical activity such as running rocj climbing dancing etc Is this just part of the irregular bleeding?

When on the birth control Implanon Nexplanon, you can experience irregular bleeding. However, it doesn't seem normal that physical activity would make it worse. It may be best to speak to your doctor to determine if this is something that he/she has seen before, and if not, it may be time to find a new birth control.

Does birth control make you pee a lot?

Yes taking birth control medicine can make you pee alot! In the first few months of being on birth control, this happens frequently, and it fades as you continue to use it. but i would still recommend seeing a doctor as it could possibly be a UTI.

How long should you be on birth control to regulate your period?

Birth control pill bring more regular bleeding while you're taking it, but won't make any long term change in your menstrual cycle after you stop. Therefore, stay on it as long as you like to have regular bleeding with the understanding that it does not cure any underlying problem causing menstrual irregularity.

Should you continue to take birth control pills even if you start bleeding during your active pills?

You should continue to take the birth control pill even if you experience breakthrough bleeding. Stopping the pill is more likely to make the bleeding worse instead of better, and stopping will end your pregnancy protection. If the bleeding is troublesome or associated with other symptoms such as painful urination, painful sex, pelvic pain, or abnormal vaginal discharge, see your health care provider.

Does nuva ring make your body skip a period even though its your first time ever using any contraceptive?

Some women will have no withdrawal bleeding on NuvaRing, and others will have bleeding. Any amount of bleeding or spotting "counts" as a "period" if you're on hormonal birth control.

Will taking birth control and different times of the day make a period late?

Yes. As directed by all doctors and on the instruction labels of all birth control pills, you are supposed to take your birth control everyday and at the same time. If you take your birth control at different times everyday, it is not allowing the birth control to adapt in your body the way it is supposed to and it decreases the effectiveness of the birth control as well. Some side effects of taking your pill at different times of each day may include: pregnancy, late/irregular periods, and spotting or breakthrough bleeding.

What is the cause of bleeding in between periods while on birth control?

birth control manipulates your hormones to prevent pregnancy....your body is trying to normalize. you may need a higher dose pill. check with GYN doctor