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Yes you totally should. It just means they love you but they're not there all there way. In love with you may take a minium of 2-5 years. And it also depends what kinda man you got.

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Q: Should you still be with someone if they say they love you but not in love with you?
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What should you say if you love someone?

I love you?

How do you cope when your girlfriend still has feeling for someone else?

this is bad! you should not be with her if this is the case!!! talk to her and say 'who do you prefer, him or me? ' if the answer is you then tell her you love her etc but if it it someone else then say 'it's over!!!'

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If they say they are sorry and say they still love you and promise not to ever do it again and you still care for them deeply--yes get back with them. Everyone deserves a second chance.

How do i know i dont freak him out when i say i love you?

The truth is, you don't know for sure. However, anyone who "freaks out" when someone says "I Love You" is still a child and should be treated as such.

If he say he love you but say he love someone elsewhat must you tell him?

that it is over b/c he should love u

What should you do if you love someone but he has a girlfriend?

U should go up to him and say u love him and tell how you feel

If you love someone and they say 'i love you' and you get nervos what should you say or do?

2 way answer.. if you love them: admit it too if not: say thanks smile and hope they took the hint =]

How many time should you say love you?

As many times as you can. If you love someone, you should always make sure they know how much you love them.

What shold you do you love someone with all your heart and they say they love you but you are not sure that you can trust her?

women should not be trusted

What should you do if the guy you like broke up with his girlfriend but still doesn't want you?

I am sorry to say that you are going to have to face the reality that he is simply not in love with you and you can't force someone to love you. Don't force him into a corner and make him say unkind things to you so you get the picture. He's not in love with you! There is someone out there for you eventually so it's time to move on or you may miss that special someone in your life.

What to say to someone to tell them you are in love with them?

I Love You (name). Wrong, i think you should let the person know how you feel , and how you know your in love with them. Because if you just say i love you , then it technically doesnt mean your "in love" with them .

What should you say when someone says i love you?

if you truly love them then tell them you love them. if you don't feel the same way and you still wanna keep it the same way it was before, just simply say " i don't feel the same way, and i hope that doesn't change anything between us."