

Should you take your angelfish babies out of the tank?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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Do you have the space for them? because freshwater angelfish are generally good parents. however, you should separate the fry by gender when they grow older.

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Q: Should you take your angelfish babies out of the tank?
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You don't! What you do is get a 55 gallon tank because angelfish won't be happy in a 10 gallon tank, and then you take the betta out of the tank (it will fight with your other fish) and just get more mollies and put lots of hiding places in the tank so the babies will live.

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You should take them to your local pet store and see if they will take them.

What should you do if your angelfish has babies?

Baby Brine Shrimp is the best for them. My angel recently had babies and I realized this after, I am prepared if they lay eggs again. They had been laying eggs for a few years before they finally hatched in a different tank with only 2 angels as one of them died.

How do you know your angelfish is breeding?

Prior to spawning Angelfish will be seen squaring up to one another, locking jaws and wrestling, tugging etc. They then start to mouth ( suck at) a plant leaf or pick an area on the glass of the tank. Once they think it's clean enough they lay and fertilize their eggs.

Why does your angelfish return to the same spot at the bottom of your tank?

I dont get it. Did your angelfish die?

Do you need to heat the water up before transferring angelfish?

The water in the tank that you are transferring the angelfish to should be the same temperature and PH of the old water.If you are adding them to your tank from a fish store, then you should acclimate the fish first by floating the bags in your tank, and every so often add a bit of your tank water to the water in the bag to avoid temperature or PH shock.

You have two angelfish they seem to fight all the time?

Angelfish are very aggressive fish. They are also very territorial. They want their own space and the whole tank if they can have it. I'd suggest that if you have a small 3 to 5 gallon tank you get a bigger tank as that size tank is too small for Angelfish.

What are angelfish afraid of?

Anything that's bigger than them. My angelfish is afraid of the light over the tank.

Why does a big angelfish attack a little angelfish?

To maintain or gain leadership in an area, probably your tank.

What should you do if your Siamese fighting fish has laid eggs?

Take them out of the tank and separate them. They'll most likely eat the babies.

What should you do when the tiger barbs in the tank are starting to nip at the angelfish?

Tiger Barbs should ideally not be kept with angelfish, as they are slow moving and long finned - and therefore tempting to nip at. This can cause great stress to the angelfish, so the tiger barbs should be moved to a separate tank if possible. Alternatively, if the first option is not possible, a constant food supply should be maintained to give the barbs something else to do and distract them from fin-nipping.